
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Rating | all forms | exact matches only
Computer Entertainment Rating Organizationорганизация CERO (A non-profit, self-regulatory organization which applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Japan)
content ratingоценка содержимого
game rating systemсистема оценки игр (A rating system for online games)
host ratingоценка узла (A rating, consisting of zero through five stars, that is assigned to each host during virtual machine placement to indicate the host's suitability for hosting the virtual machine. The host rating is based on the virtual machine's hardware and software requirements and anticipated resource usage. Host ratings also take into consideration the placement goal: either resource maximization on hosts or load balancing among hosts. The metrics for rating hosts can be customized for Virtual Machine Manager, for host groups, and for individual virtual machines)
Item Ratingsоценки элементов (A feature that allows people to rate list items and documents on a SharePoint site using a 5-star rating system)
Microsoft Web Rating Systemсистема оценок веб-страниц (A content rating system for Web sites developed by Microsoft)
rating controlэлемент управления "Оценка" (A control that developers use to create a rating feedback UI element)
rating modelмодель рейтингов (A model of defined values used to rate an employee's performance, including level of skills)
Rating Pendingкатегория ещё не присвоена
rating shortcutклавиша оценки (A keyboard shortcut or a remote control that you can use to rate media files such as TV shows or songs)
Social Rating Synchronization Jobзадание синхронизации социальных рейтингов (A timer job that synchronizes rating values between the social database and content database. Rori)
SpyNet Community Ratingоценка сообщества SpyNet
star ratingоценка (A shape that consists of a number of stars (e.g. ★★★). Used for data graphics solution to visualize the data)
system ratingоценка