
Terms for subject Health care containing Rate | all forms | exact matches only
capitated rateподушная ставка (управление здравоохранением tiranuz)
clinical pregnancy rateклиническая беременность (Yeldar Azanbayev)
enhanced federal matching rate E-FMAPповышенная федеральная процентная ставка софинансирования медицинской помощи (= enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages: Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) are the percentage rates used to determine the matching funds rate allocated annually to certain medical and social service programs in the United States of America. <...> The percentages given are the share of the total cost that the federal government will pay, the rest being covered by the state. For example, 100% FMAP for some eligible service means that the federal government pays the entire cost and 50% FMAP would mean that the cost is split evenly between the state and federal government. wikipedia.org kosynziana)
false recent rateкоэффициент ложной недавности (заражения ВИЧ Boitsov)
rate of COVID-19 casesзаболеваемость COVID-19 (MichaelBurov)