
Terms for subject Proverb containing READ | all forms | exact matches only
he who runs may readвсякий поймёт, всякому понятно (о чём-либо легком, доступном для понимания)
he who runs may readвсякий поймёт, всякому доступно (о чём-либо легком, доступном для понимания)
old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride, old books to read, and old wine to drinkстарый конь борозды не испортит (contrast: when bees are old, they yield no honey. a cracked bell can never sound well)
old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride, old books to read, and old wine to drinkстарый конь борозды не портит (contrast: when bees are old, they yield no honey. a cracked bell can never sound well)
read like a bookвидеть кого насквозь (imp.; not used with neg.)
read the tea-leavesгадать на кофейной гуще
you can't read another man's soulчужая душа – лес дремучий
you can't read another man's soulчужая душа – тёмный лес
you can't read another man's soulЧужая душа – потёмки