
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing | all forms | exact matches only
All is lost, we're toast.всё пропало! (Soulbringer)
and you're all setи всё в порядке (financial-engineer)
and you're all setи всё готово (financial-engineer)
if you're drowning, you're on your ownспасение утопающих – дело рук самих утопающих (Палажченко Black_Swan)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
let's see what you're made ofпосмотрим, из какого теста ты сделан (SirReal)
shut your mouth, you're drawing fliesзакрой рот, муху поймаешь (grafleonov)
sure as you're a foot highк гадалке не ходи (SirReal)
Tag, you're it!салочки (lookkil)
till you're blue in the faceне щадя сил (Andrey Truhachev)
till you're blue in the faceдо изнеможения (Andrey Truhachev)
till you're blue in the faceдо потери сил (Andrey Truhachev)
till you're blue in the faceпока язык не отсохнет (Andrey Truhachev)
till you're blue in the faceпока не треснешь (Andrey Truhachev)
till you're blue in the faceдо опупения (Andrey Truhachev)
Today, for instance, I took a sheep to town. Why not? You've got to feed the people somehow – that's what we're here forя вот отнёс барашка в город. А как же? Кормить-поить народ надо-мы к тому приставлены (Г. Троепольский, Белый Бим Чёрное ухо Taras)
until you're blue in the faceдо изнеможения (Andrey Truhachev)
until you're blue in the faceпока не треснешь (Andrey Truhachev)
until you're blue in the faceне щадя сил (Andrey Truhachev)
until you're blue in the faceпока язык не отсохнет (Andrey Truhachev)
until you're blue in the faceдо потери сил (Andrey Truhachev)
until you're blue in the faceдо опупения (Andrey Truhachev)
until you're blue in the faceрьяно (Andrey Truhachev)
we're all human beings at the end of the dayв конце концов, все мы люди, все мы человеки, и ничто человеческое нам не чуждо (не без слабостей; другими словами, каждому свойственны слабости, недостатки. Говорится в оправдание тех или иных человеческих слабостей, недостатков Alex_Odeychuk)
we're halfway throughполовина дела уже сделана (Alex_Odeychuk)
we're here to helpмы будем рады вам помочь (financial-engineer)
we're not out of the woods yetположение остаётся сложным ("I want to make it clear: we're not out of the woods yet. What we'd like to see is a long steady rain that will soak into the forest and into the ground," Tucker said. "That will help us more than a short burst that would bring lightning and could spark a new wildfire." ART Vancouver)
we're still going strong, aren't we?есть ещё порох в пороховницах
whenever you're readyпо твоей готовности (Shabe)
whenever you're readyпо вашей готовности (Shabe)
yet we're far from being doneработы ещё непочатый край (Alex_Odeychuk)
you're gonna bite the barвымоешь рот с мылом (the bar of soap; наказание за сквернословие Shurrka)
you're good to goвсё тип-топ (Shabe)
you're good to goвсё пучком (US, informal merriam-webster.com Shabe)
you're living in Cloud-cuckoo-landты витаешь в облаках
you're looking hell!ты выглядишь великолепно!
you're miles out!даже не близко! (Andrey Truhachev)
you're miles out!совсем не рядом! (Andrey Truhachev)
you're miles out!даже не рядом! (Andrey Truhachev)
you're miles out!как бы не так! (Andrey Truhachev)
you're miles out!ничуть не бывало! (Andrey Truhachev)
you're not a thief till you're caughtне пойман – не вор (grafleonov)
you're not a thief unless you're caughtне пойман – не вор (grafleonov)
you're not in Kansas anymoreэто вам не в бирюльки играть (Taras)
you're pulling my legвы меня разыгрываете ('You're pulling my leg, Jeeves.' 'I would not take such a liberty, m'lord.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
you're very lucky thatтвоё счастье, что (ART Vancouver)