
Terms for subject Saying containing Put | all forms | exact matches only
call me pot if you like it, but don't put me in the stoveхоть горшком назови, только в печку не ставь (=Russian epigram (kind of adage). Meaning: words don't matter, the way something/someone is actually treated does. Also can be translated with other personal pronouns (as there is not an express "me" in the original): 'Call it pot if you want to, but don't put it in the stove." Phyloneer)
don't put apples and oranges in one basketмухи отдельно, котлеты отдельно
in this weather a good owner wouldn't put his dog outхороший хозяин в такую погоду собаку из дому не выгонит (george serebryakov)
never do today what you can put off until tomorrowна нашу лень и завтра день (Супру)
put a cat among the pigeonsпустить лису в курятник (Helene2008)
put a good face on somethingделать хорошую мину при плохой игре (eugenealper)
put one's foot in the mouthсморозить чушь (yurych)
put one's foot in the mouthсказать глупость (yurych)
put one's foot in the mouthляпнуть не подумавши (yurych)
Put it there, if it weighs a ton~Вот тебе моя рука, если груз на душе (строка из песни Пола МакКартни ‘Put It There', вот что Пол сам сказал: The song was originally inspired by my dad who used the expression regularly. ‘Put it there, if it weighs a ton,' he would say. Growing up I heard this expression a lot when he was shaking hands with anyone! Lily Snape)
put on a good faceделать хорошую мину при плохой игре (eugenealper)
put on airsцены себе не сложить (Супру)
put that in your pipe and smoke itпридётся с этим смириться (Oxford Dictionary: Used to indicate that the person addressed will have to accept a particular situation, even if it is unwelcome Boris Gorelik)
put the carriage before the horseставить телегу впереди кобылы (Баян)
put the carriage before the horseставить телегу впереди лошади (Баян)
you cannot put it in the bankэто в карман не положишь (igisheva)
you cannot put it in the bankэто на хлеб не намажешь (igisheva)
you cannot put it in the bankиз этого шубу не сошьёшь (igisheva)
you can't put it in the bankспасибо в кармане не звенит и не булькает (VLZ_58)
you can't put the shit back in the horseфарш невозможно провернуть назад (intolerable)
you can't put the toothpaste back in the tubeфарш невозможно провернуть назад (Once something is said or done, it cannot be unsaid or undone (the Russian phrase is translated literally: you can't unmince minced meat) 'More)