
Terms for subject Historical containing Prince | all forms | exact matches only
a book containing the genealogies of Russian princes and czarsстепенная книга
a book containing the genealogies of Russian princes and czarsстепенная книга (math)
apanage prince in medieval Russiaудельный князь
appanaged princeудельный князь (Anglophile)
cadet princeпринц младшей линии (he was not in line for the throne but still enjoyed all the protection and perks of being a member of the royal family Alex_Odeychuk)
cadet princeпринц из младшей линии королевского дома (he was not in line for the throne but still enjoyed all the protection and perks of being a member of the royal family Alex_Odeychuk)
Chernigov princeчерниговский князь (Rodeo Dayz)
crown princeцесаревич (in the Russian Empire)
crown princeпрестолонаследник (Sergei Aprelikov)
Crown Prince AlexeiНаследник престола Алексей (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
crown prince of Russian Empireцесаревич (mayeristvan)
descendants of apanage princes in Kievan Russiaкняжата
grand princeкнязь-великий (Kireger54781)
in medieval Russia grand princeвеликий князь
Grand Prince of Moscowвеликий князь Московский (stachel)
military retinue of a medieval Russian princeдружина
Muscovite princesмосковские князья (Rodeo Dayz)
Prince of the Realmудельный князь (возможное контекстуальное значение (напр., князь Лихтенштейна в Священной Римсокй империи) EZrider)
Prince Repninкнязь Репнин (Alex_Odeychuk)
prince's armed forceкняжеская дружина
prince's bodyguardгридин
prince's bodyguardгридьба
prince's bodyguardгридь
prince's bodyguardгридень
prince's scribeдьяк
prince's sonsкняжата
Tartar princeмурза (Anglophile)
the grand prince of KievКиевский князь (history_geeks)
wife of the Russian crown princeцесаревна (mayeristvan)