
Terms for subject Mycology containing Poison | all forms | exact matches only
poison paxсвинушка тонкая (slitely_mad)
poison pieгебелома клейкая (Гебело́ма кле́йкая (лат. Hebeloma crustuliniforme) – гриб рода Гебелома (Hebeloma) семейства Строфариевые (Strophariaceae). Hebeloma crustuliniforme, commonly known as poison pie or fairy cakes, is a gilled mushroom of the genus Hebeloma found in Europe and North America, and has been introduced into Australia. Its specific name derives from the Latin crustulum or little biscuit. It is moderately poisonous wikipedia.org Yan)
poison pieложный валуй (Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Ложный валуй/Гебелома клейкая Yan)