
Terms for subject Formal containing Personal | all forms | exact matches only
consent to personal data processingсогласие на обработку персональных данных (second opinion)
enhance the accuracy of personal dataповысить точность персональных данных (for ... – кого именно Alex_Odeychuk)
exhaustive personal historyполная биография (defense.gov Alex_Odeychuk)
personal and confidentialлично в руки, конфиденциально (наверху письма: PERSONAL AND CONDENTIAL ART Vancouver)
personal effectsличные вещи (оосбенно погибшего или арестованного, а также в завещаниях) Samples of his personal effects have gone to the lab. / After she had identified the body of her husband, the police asked her to collect his personal effects. / Courts have given officers greater flexibility when conducting a search of an arrestee's personal effects, such as clothing and wallets. 4uzhoj)
personal hygiene roomкомната личной гигиены (Moscow Cat)
personal identification documentдокумент, удостоверяющий личность (ART Vancouver)
personal informationинформация персонального характера (ART Vancouver)
personal injuryтравма (The civilian vehicle was demolished [in the collision] and all the occupants thereof sustained personal injuries of various degrees of severity.)