
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing Official | all forms | exact matches only
official arrangementsофициальная договорённость
official consultant of FAOофициальный консультант ФАО
official donor assistanceофициальная донорская помощь
official dutyдолжностные функции
official dutyслужебные обязанности
official receiptофициальное свидетельство о вручении
official sealкорпоративная печать для международных сделок (если в тексте употребляется вместе с "common seal": A company may also have an official seal for use abroad, if authorised by its constitution. This seal resembles the common seal of the company, with the addition of the name of the place outside the state where it is to be used. Unlike the common seal, the official seal for use abroad may be used by a single person (agent), who has been authorised by the company in writing under its common seal.  4uzhoj)
official stationофициальное место службы
official travelофициальная поездка
official travelслужебные поездки