
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Notice | all forms | exact matches only
momentarily, any minute now, at a moment's noticeв любую минуту
notice of intentionзаявление на выдачу разрешения на учреждение банка
on an instant's noticeбез промедления (Val_Ships)
on short noticeбыстро (I appreciate your willingness to see me on such short notice. • I can't cancel my plans at such short notice.)
on short noticeв сжатые сроки (obtaining press credentials even on such short notice)
on short noticeбез заблаговременного уведомления (клиентов/пользователей и т. д.: Tours may be cancelled on short notice by the National Weather Service due to severe weather.)
on short noticeсрочно (Do you have adequate means of transportation to get to work on time each day and when asked to report on short notice during normal working hours?)
on short noticeв срочном порядке (She had to leave on a business trip on (very) short notice. Углов)
on such short noticeбез предупреждения (She called the meeting on such short notice that we had no time to prepare. Val_Ships)
Rice Noticeсм. Rice Letter (Dinara Makarova)