
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing No, no | all forms
be no match forне под силу (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- снег был не под силу автобусам youtube.com ART Vancouver)
be no match forне по зубам (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- снег оказался не по зубам автобусам • Sometimes even the best drivers are no match for rough roads. youtube.com ART Vancouver)
be no match forне справляться (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- автобусы не справлялись со снегом youtube.com ART Vancouver)
have no clue toне иметь представления о (Although we have no clue to the identity of the poet, he seems to have a familiarity of the landscape which is described in the poem and with the scenes depicted. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
I have no doubt about thatя в этом не сомневаюсь (ART Vancouver)
I have no problem with thatничего не имею против (ART Vancouver)
I have no problem with thatлично я нормально к этому отношусь (ART Vancouver)
I have no problem with thatлично я ничего не имею против этого (ART Vancouver)
I left him in no doubtя ему всё сказал без обиняков
I'm no judgeне берусь судить (The soup tasted funny, as though there was too much lime or lemon juice. But I'm no judge. ART Vancouver)
it is no good at allэто никуда не годится
it makes no sense at allэто совершенно бессмысленно
it was no good arguingВозражать было бесполезно ("It was no good arguing, of course. Aunt Agatha always makes me feel as if I had gelatine where my spine ought to be." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
it will be no troubleэто не составит никакого труда
it's no good tryingбесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: "You aren't suggesting that you think this scheme I have been sketching out is Jeeves's?" "Of course it is. It's no good trying to kid me, Bertie. You wouldn't have thought of a wheeze like that in a million years." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Бесполезно пытаться меня обмануть ART Vancouver)
it's no secret thatне секрет, что (CNN, 2014 Alex_Odeychuk)
make no mistake about itможете в этом не сомневаться (Mrs. Higgins. 'You certainly are a pretty pair of babies, playing with your live doll.' | Higgins. 'Playing! The hardest job I ever tackled: make no mistake about that, mother.' (Bernard Shaw, 'Pigmalion') -- можешь в этом не сомневаться • "Make no mistake about it, Vancouver is open for business again." (Mayor Ken Sim, City of Vancouver ) ART Vancouver)
make no senseвызывать недоумение (Makes no sense. / This makes no sense. -- Это вызывает недоумение. ART Vancouver)
makes no senseнепонятно (Why did he return to the crime scene? Makes no sense. ART Vancouver)
need no introductionsне нуждаться в представлении (Old friends need no flowery introductions. • Our next guest needs no introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Benny Hill! ART Vancouver)
no action is requiredот вас не требуется предпринимать никаких действий (Effective August 1, 2023, the maximum shelter allowance for recipients of income assistance, hardship assistance, and disability assistance will increase by $125 per family unit. If your shelter expenses have not changed, you will not need to contact the ministry and no action is required. ART Vancouver)
no commentбез комментариев
no doubtизвестное дело ("All those individuals have significant skeletons in the closet." "No doubt, no doubt." ART Vancouver)
no good at allникуда не годится
no great eventмалозначащее событие (One day in May 1135 some white monks from Comberemere Abbey founded a new Cistercian monastery near a ford on the Dee at Poulton a few miles upstream from Chester. In itself this is no great event, however there is accumulating evidence to strengthen the view that in due course the founding of Poulton Abbey led to the writing of the greatest medieval poem outside the work of Chaucer: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. -- Само по себе это событие не было значительным / было малозначащим ... wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
no one gave a damnвсем было по фигу (Leonid Dzhepko)
no one has repealedещё никто не отменял (No one has repealed the National Missile Defence Act adopted in the United States in 1999. VLZ_58)
no one here by that nameздесь таких нет (ART Vancouver)
no one knows the futureникто не знает будущего (sophistt)
no one saw it comingникто не мог этого предвидеть (ART Vancouver)
no ordinaryне обычный (In the spring of 1905, members of an exclusive club of crime enthusiasts known as Our Society were taken on a guided excursion through Whitechapel, one of London’s most notorious districts, by Dr. Frederick Gordon Brown, the chief police surgeon for the City of London. But this was no ordinary sightseeing tour. The focus of the outing was Jack the Ripper’s reputed murder sites, and among the guests that day was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes. -- Но это была не обычная экскурсия. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
no other way to look at itиначе это никак не назовёшь (A renoviction. No other way to look at it. I really feel for those impacted. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
no other way to look at itне что иное, как (A renoviction. No other way to look at it. I really feel for those impacted. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
no question too silly to answerне бывает глупых вопросов
no sense inне стоит (+ gerund: 'Let's finish the job. No sense in being bitter. We are all trying to do the right thing.' – Raymond Chandler  ART Vancouver)
no stranger toне в первый раз сталкиваться (с каким-л. явлением, проблемой и т.п.: The former Navy pilot and UFO witness has started to publish the testimonies of other pilots who have had UFO encounters. Graves, who is certainly no stranger to UFOs having witnessed a mysterious object with no visible means of propulsion around 10 years ago during his time with the US Navy, has now started to publish the testimonies of other (anonymous) pilot witnesses on his Twitter account. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
no swimmingкупаться запрещено (public sign Юрий Гомон)
no swimmingкупание запрещено (public sign Юрий Гомон)
no ... to speak ofговорить не приходится (о чём-л.; с отрицанием: Fortunately, there was no structural damage to the overpass or debris to speak of. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
no useбесполезно
no varietyникакого разнообразия (модель выражения недовольства: no ... -- никакого ...: Brentwood could use a good restaurant, the ones they have are all the same, not worth going to the food court, mind you that is the way it is in most malls -- no variety unless you like oriental and MacDonalds food, then you're OK. No French, German, Italian, Canadian or Irish food. (biv.com) ART Vancouver)
no way!да ты что! (expressing disbelief, shock, amazement ART Vancouver)
of that there can be no doubtв этом не может быть сомнений (UFOs are real, of that there can be no doubt. It all depends, though, on what you mean by 'real'... (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
spare no expense and no painsне пожалеть ни сил, ни средств ("I desire you to spare no expense and no pains to get at the truth." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
there is arguably noвероятно, не существует (более известного ...: There is arguably no cryptozoological creature as widely known as the Loch Ness Monster – a mystery animal described as a long-necked prehistoric reptile that is said to lurk in the depths of Scotland's famous loch. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
there is arguably noпожалуй, нет (более известного ...: There is arguably no cryptozoological creature as widely known as the Loch Ness Monster – a mystery animal described as a long-necked prehistoric reptile that is said to lurk in the depths of Scotland's famous loch. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
there is no difference at allнет никакой разницы
there is no doubt about itнет никакого сомнения в этом
there is no gainsaying thatнесомненно, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatочевидно, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatнельзя отрицать тот факт, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatне будет преувеличением сказать, что (grafleonov)
there is no other way of putting itиначе это никак не назовёшь (It was illegal, there's no other way of putting it. ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибки быть не может (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибка исключена (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is no real evidenceнет никаких оснований (for: Other ideas include that Kamphuis disappeared voluntarily to become a spy or to go on an undercover mission for Assange, that he committed suicide, or that he was recruited into a top-secret hacker organization, but there is no real evidence for any one of these either. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
there is no use ... giving her adviceнет смысла (давать ей совет и т.д.; ...)
there seems to be no end in sightконца не видно (There seems to be no end in sight for rising gas prices. ART Vancouver)
there's just no way around itэтого нельзя избежать (ART Vancouver)
there's just no way around itэто неизбежно (ART Vancouver)
there's no denyingкак-никак ("Как-никак – целый президент типа независимой страны попросил и гарантировал." (И.И.С.) ART Vancouver)
there's no finer example thanлучшего примера не подобрать, чем (Ever since European settlement only 150 years ago, the people of Vancouver have protected the rivers, coastline and forest, maintaining the perfect balance between nature and the built environment. And there's no finer example than the city's pride and joy – Stanley Park, which dates all the way back to 1886. (Expedia) ART Vancouver)
there's no point inнет смысла (+ gerund: There's no point in returning to this topic, he's made up his mind. • There's no point in putting more money into the broken system.)
there's no point in + object + gerundнет смысла (There's no point in me coming down, I'll just mail them the cheque. -- Мне нет смысла ... ART Vancouver)
there's no substitute forничто не заменит (There's also no substitute for conducting her own field research— going to the places she writes about, and talking to the people involved in UFO incidents, she explained. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
there's no useнет смысла (There's no use complaining. They will not respond. ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingнеизвестно (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingэто невозможно установить (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
would do no harmне повредит (" ... he looks as if a little good Berkshire beef would do him no harm." – ему не повредит (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
you have no ideaвы не представляете себе (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! ART Vancouver)