
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Networks | all forms
ad hoc networkсеть без точек доступа (Andy)
ad hoc networkсеть компьютер-компьютер
ad networkрекламная сеть
Add Folder to Network Server ListДобавление папки в список сетевых серверов (Office System 2013 Rori)
Add network types to a load test scenario and edit the network mixДобавить типы сетей в сценарий тестовой нагрузки и изменить смешанный сетевой профиль (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
adhoc networkсеть без точки доступа (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
ad-hoc networkдинамическая сеть (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
adhoc networkсеть компьютер-компьютер (Windows 8 Rori)
Allow authorized users to access all company network resourcesРазрешить авторизованным пользователям получать доступ к ресурсам сети организации (Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard Rori)
array networkсеть массива (A server network defined at the array level)
back-to-back perimeter networkсеть периметра с двумя межсетевыми экранами (A network configuration in which two server computers are located on either side of the perimeter network)
back-to-back perimeter networkдемилитаризованная зона с двумя межсетевыми экранами
BitLocker network unlockсетевая разблокировка BitLocker (A feature of BitLocker that allows unlocking of an OS volume using a key received over the network)
boundary networkпограничная сеть (A logical portion of a network that can be accessed by computers that are in the restricted network or the secure network)
Business Networkделовая сеть (A feature that is a series of interwoven social components that are surfaced contextually to users)
Business Network profileпрофиль в деловой сети (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
Business Network relationshipотношение в деловой сети (An explicit (for example, "colleague") or implicit (for example, "sent 100 emails in the last 30 days") relationship, with inherent strength, between people in the Business Network)
Can't connect to the global peer-to-peer network.не удаётся подключиться к глобальной одноранговой сети (Windows 8 Rori)
CDMA networkсеть CDMA (A Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network, used by phones that do not have SIM cards)
cellular networkсеть мобильной связи (A radio network that provides coverage for cellular telephone communications)
Cleanup 802.11 adhoc settings after the adhoc network terminates.Очистка одноранговых параметров 802.11 после завершения использования одноранговой сети (Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
cluster networkсеть кластера (A group of independent computers that work together to provide a common set of services and present a single-system image to clients. The use of a cluster enhances the availability of the services and the scalability and manageability of the operating system that provides the services)
company networkлокальная сеть
complex networkсложная сеть (A type of operations network in which simultaneous operations take place or in which operations overlap, are contingent on each other, or have other complex relationships)
computer-to-computer networkсеть "ad hoc" (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
computer-to-computer networkсеть компьютер-компьютер
Contains many commonly used network symbols.Содержит различные часто используемые сетевые символы (Office System 2010, Visio 2013 Rori)
content delivery network workloadрабочая нагрузка сети доставки содержимого (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Create a node in a peer to peer network.Создание узла в одноранговой сети (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
dedicated server networkсеть с выделенным сервером (lain)
dedicated server networkсеть типа "клиент-сервер" (lain)
dedicated server networkклиент-серверная сеть (lain)
default networkсеть по умолчанию
demand-driven supply networkсеть поставок, определяемая спросом (Universal Store 2015 ssn)
dial-up networkingкоммутируемая сеть (Connecting to other computers or to the Internet by using a modem and a telephone line)
do this for every deleted folder on this network share.То же для всех удалённых подпапок в этой общей папке (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
domain networkдоменная сеть (A network location value that is displayed in the Network and Sharing Center. This setting specifies that the network connection is connected to an organization network that includes domains. Other possible network location values are public network and home network. Rori)
Dynamic Network Fair Shareсправедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов сети (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
dynamic network fair shareсправедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов сети (ssn)
edge caching networkпограничная сеть кэширования (A group of geographically dispersed cache servers that distributes and delivers contents faster by serving the contents from the cache servers that are closest to the users. An ECN routes the requests efficiently to reduce the network latency and to reduce the load on the origin servers)
edge networkсеть периметра (One or more computers that have a connection to the Internet through an external screening router and a connection to the internal network through an interior screening router. Computers that are linked to the perimeter network have limited access to both the Internet and the internal network. This architecture is convenient if multiple hosts require direct Internet access)
edge networkдемилитаризованная зона
external network numberвнешний номер сети (A 4-byte hexadecimal number used for addressing and routing purposes on NetWare networks. The external network number is associated with physical network adapters and networks)
external virtual networkвнешняя виртуальная сеть (A virtual network configured to use a physical network adapter. External virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines to external networks)
Failover Cluster Network Share ExtensionsРасширения сетевых общих ресурсов отказоустойчивых кластеров (Windows 8 Rori)
feature-inclusive content delivery network bundleпакет функций, способный обрабатывать большинство рабочих нагрузок сети доставки содержимого (microsoft.com, microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
feature-inclusive content delivery network bundle capable of handling most content delivery network workloadsпакет функций, способный обрабатывать большинство рабочих нагрузок сети доставки содержимого (microsoft.com, microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Group Ad-hoc Networkдинамическая сеть группы (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices. Rori)
Group Ad-hoc Networkдинамическая сеть группы (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices)
hidden networkскрытая сеть (A Wi-Fi network that does not broadcast its name. Its name is a unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network)
Hyper-V Network Virtualizationвиртуализация сети Hyper-V (A feature that enables scalable, multi-tenancy for datacenters via policy-based, software-controlled network virtualization providing for flexible virtual machine placement, overlapping IP addresses, reducing the management overhead of IaaS clouds)
IM networkсеть обмена мгновенными сообщениями (Windows Live Mail W4M3 Rori)
infrared network connectionинфракрасное сетевое соединение (A direct or incoming network connection to a remote access server using an infrared port)
Initializing local to network share path mappingВыполняется инициализация сопоставления локальных путей путям общей сетевой папки (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
internal network numberномер внутренней сети
internal virtual networkвнутренняя виртуальная сеть (A virtual network that is configured to use no network adapter. Internal virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines running on the same instance of Virtual Server. All network traffic is confined to the computer running Virtual Server)
invalid networkнедопустимая сеть (Andy)
legacy network adapterустаревший сетевой адаптер (A virtual network adapter that emulates a specific physical network adapter, the multiport DEC 21140 10/100TX 100 MB. A legacy network adapter also supports network-based installations because it includes the ability to boot to the Pre-Execution Environment. Rori)
legacy network adapterустаревший сетевой адаптер (A virtual network adapter that emulates a specific physical network adapter, the multiport DEC 21140 10/100TX 100 MB. A legacy network adapter also supports network-based installations because it includes the ability to boot to the Pre-Execution Environment (PXE boot))
Locate content on a local computer or a network shareНайти содержимое на локальном компьютере или в общем сетевом ресурсе (Windows 8 Rori)
logical networkлогическая сеть (A user-defined named grouping of IP subnets and virtual local area networks (VLANs) that is used to organize and simplify network assignments)
metered networkсеть с лимитным тарифным планом (A mobile broadband or other network for which the provider bills according to data used, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
multicast-enabled networkсеть, где разрешена передача многоадресных пакетов
my network placesсетевое окружение (AlaskaGirl)
network access accountучётная запись доступа к сети (microsoft.com bojana)
Network Access Protectionзащита доступа к сети (A set of operating system components that can help protect access to a private network by enforcing health policies. System administrators establish health policies which NAP enforces by inspecting and assessing the health of client computers, restricting network access when client computers are deemed noncompliant, and remediating noncompliant client computers for full network access. NAP also provides ongoing health compliance enforcement while a client computer is connected to a network)
network access serverсервер доступа к сети (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
network adapter configurationконфигурация сетевого адаптера (Windows 8 ssn)
network adapter driverдрайвер сетевого адаптера (A device driver that works directly with the network adapter, acting as an intermediary between the adapter and the protocol driver)
network address translationпреобразование сетевых адресов (An Internet Protocol (IP) translation process that allows a network with private addresses to access information on the Internet; NAT)
network administratorадминистратор сети (A person responsible for planning, configuring, and managing the day-to-day operation of the network)
Network and Sharing CenterЦентр управления сетями и общим доступом (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
network-attached storageзапоминающее устройство, подключаемое к сети (A storage unit directly connected to the network using standard protocols such as Ethernet and TCP/IP for providing file access services. Rori)
Network AuthenticationПроверка подлинности сети (Alex Lilo)
Network authenticationопределение подлинности сети (в сообщениях об ошибке, напр.: Network Authentication Error – Ошибка определения подлинности сети Alex Lilo)
Network Awarenessслужба сведений о подключённых сетях (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
Network AwarenessСлужба сетевого расположения (Компонент Windows Server 2008, уведомляющий об изменениях в подключениях узлов и конфигурации сети bojana)
network bandwidth throttlingрегулирование полосы пропускания сети (The process of setting the maximum portion of total network capacity that a service is allowed to use. An administrator can deliberately limit a servers Internet workload by not allowing it to receive requests at full capacity, thus saving resources for other programs, such as e-mail)
network bandwidth throttlingрегулирования полосы пропускания сети
network bandwidth usage throttlingрегулирование использования полосы пропускания сети (A performance optimization in DPM that limits the percentage of network bandwidth that protection and recovery jobs can consume)
network boot programпрограмма сетевой загрузки (NBP microsoft.com bojana)
network boot referralссылка сетевой загрузки (microsoft.com bojana)
network captureзапись параметров сети (microsoft.com bojana)
network card driverдрайвер сетевой карты (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
network card driverдрайвер сетевого адаптера
Network Centerцентр управления сетями (A control panel that provides the status of your network and access to networking activities)
network connectionсетевое подключение (A link between a user's computer and a group of computers and other devices that enables the user to access printers, servers etc. The link can be through a wire, cable, phone line or wireless transmissions)
network credentialsсетевые учётные данные (Andy)
Network DDE serviceслужба сетевого DDE (A service that provides network transport and security for dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversations. Rori)
network device driverдрайвер сетевого устройства (Software that coordinates communication between the network adapter card and the computer's hardware and other software, controlling the physical function of the network adapter card)
Network Device Enrollment Serviceслужба регистрации сертификатов для сетевых устройств (In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) is the Microsoft implementation of the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). There is also an add-on module for SCEP for Windows Server 2003 Certificate Services. NDES and the SCEP add-on provide support for the SCEP protocol which allows Cisco routers and other intermediate network devices to obtain certificates)
network device interface specificationспецификация NDIS (" A software interface, or set of rules, designed to enable different network protocols to communicate with a variety of network adapters. Providing a standard–a common "language"–for the drivers used by network adapters, NDIS enables a single network adapter to support multiple protocols and, conversely, also enables a single protocol to work with network adapters from different vendors. ")
Network DiagnosticsДиагностика сети (Средство автоматической диагностики и помощи в устранении сетевых неполадок bojana)
Network Diagnostics Frameworkинфраструктура диагностики сетей (A framework designed to reduce the overhead required of network administrators and computer users to handle some common network issues as they occur)
Network DiscoveryСетевое обнаружение (Компонент Windows Server 2008, управляющий способностью видеть другие компьютеры и устройства bojana)
Network Discovery methodметод обнаружения сетевых ресурсов (An SMS/Configuration Manager discovery method that enables the SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to discover any network resources that are IP addressable)
Network ExplorerОбозреватель сети (Центральная консоль для обзора компьютеров и устройств сети bojana)
Network Explorerсетевой проводник (A utility in Windows Vista that presents a view of all PCs, devices, and printers on the network, and is significantly faster and more reliable than My Network Places in Windows XP)
network fair shareсправедливое распределение ресурсов сети (ssn)
Network Folderсетевая папка (Andy)
Network Folder Locationрасположение сетевой папки (Andy)
Network Hostузел сети (Andy)
network IDидентификатор сети (A number used to identify the systems that are located on the same physical network bounded by routers. The network ID should be unique to the internetwork)
Network Information Serviceслужба NIS (A network naming and administration system that was developed by Sun Microsystems and is constructed on the client-server model of computing. Formerly known as Yellow Pages (yp), NIS provides a simple network look-up service that consists of databases and processes)
Network Infrastructure DeviceУстройство сетевой инфраструктуры (Andy)
Network Inspection Systemсистема проверки сети (A detection system that helps guard against intrusion attempts targeting known and newly discovered vulnerabilities in network protocols)
network installation pointsточки сетевой установки (stachel)
network interface typeтип сетевого интерфейса (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
network inter-site policyсетевая межсайтовая политика (Defines bandwidth limitations between sites that are directly linked within a call admission control (CAC) configuration)
network is downсеть не работает (Andy)
network isolationсетевая изоляция (The use of an IP address pool to enable multiple copies of a lab environment to be run concurrently without causing network conflicts such as conflicts in computer names, DNS registration, and so forth)
network isolation environmentсреда сетевой изоляции (A virtual environment that is run with network isolation, thereby protecting it from network conflicts)
network keyключ шифрования (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
network latencyзадержка в сети (The time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another)
Network Level Authenticationпроверка подлинности на уровне сети (An authentication method that completes user authentication before you establish a Remote Desktop connection and the logon screen appears)
network level authenticationпроверка подлинности на уровне сети (ssn)
network load balanced software update point site systemсистема сайта точки обновления программного обеспечения для балансировки сетевой нагрузки (microsoft.com bojana)
network load balancingбалансировка сетевой нагрузки (A Windows network component that uses a distributed algorithm to load-balance Internet Protocol (IP) traffic across a number of hosts, helping to enhance the scalability and availability of mission-critical, IP-based services, such as Remote Desktop Services, Web services, virtual private networking, and streaming media. It also provides high availability by detecting host failures and automatically redistributing traffic to the surviving hosts)
network locationсетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
network locationрасположение в сети (In a URL, a unique name that identifies an Internet server. A network location has two or more parts, separated by periods, as in microsoft.com)
network location awareness serviceслужба сведений о подключённых сетях (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
Network Location Serverсервер сетевых расположений (NLS microsoft.com bojana)
network logonвход в сеть (The process of logging on to a computer by means of a network. Typically, a user first interactively logs on to a local computer, then provides logon credentials to another computer on the network, such as a server, that he or she is authorized to use)
network managerдиспетчер сети (Andy)
network maskмаска сети (The bit mask that is used to match a destination IP address to the value in the Destination field in the IP routing table for a host or a router. In the Windows 2000 IP routing table, this column is named Netmask)
network mediaсетевая среда передачи (The type of physical wiring and lower-layer protocols used for transmitting and receiving packets, for example, Ethernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), and Token Ring)
network mixнабор сетей (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Network Monitorсетевой монитор (A packet capture and analysis tool used to view network traffic)
network nameимя сети (A name identifying an SNA network. The network name is often used in combination with other identifiers, such as a control point name or an LU name. The combination of a network name with a control point name is sometimes called a network qualified control point name)
network nameсетевое имя (A resource that Exchange 2007 Setup assigns to a clustered mailbox server. This resource represents the network name of the clustered mailbox server)
network nameсетевое имя (Visio 2013 Rori)
Network Name resourceресурс сетевого имени (In a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a logical server name that is managed as a cluster resource. A network name resource must be used with an IP address resource)
Network News Transfer Protocolпротокол NNTP (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and clients (newsreaders) on the Internet. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored on a server in a central database, thus enabling a user to select specific items to read)
network numberномер сети (In the Macintosh environment, the routing address or range of addresses assigned to the physical network that AppleTalk Phase 2 routers use to direct information to the appropriate network)
network outage timeвремя простоя сети (Windows 8 Rori)
network placeсетевое окружение (A folder on a Web server)
network policyполитика сети (A set of conditions, settings, and constraints that determine who can connect to a network. Network policy is configured by a network administrator)
Network Policy Serverсервер политики сети (The Microsoft implementation of a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server and proxy. In the NAP architecture, the NPS server includes the NAP administration server and the system health validator (SHV) components)
Network Printer Installation Wizardмастер установки сетевого принтера (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
network problemсбой неполадка в сети (Andy)
network problemошибка сети (Andy)
network profileпрофиль сети (A profile that determines the network settings for the phone, and then activates or updates that phone)
network rangeдиапазон номеров сети
network region linkсвязь между областями сети (Link created between two regions that is configured for call admission control (CAC). Sets the bandwidth limitations on audio and video traffic between these regions)
network regionsобласти сети (The network hubs or backbones that are used in the configuration of call admission control, E9-1-1, and media bypass. They interconnect parts of a network across multiple geographic areas, and every network region must be associated with a central site)
network scanningсканирование сетей (A process of finding, or identifying characteristics of, computers or other resources that are accessible on a network)
network security keyключ безопасности сети (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
network security scanсетевая проверка безопасности (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
network serviceсетевая служба (A service, such as file and printer sharing on your computer or automatic backup to a network server)
network service set identifierидентификатор набора сетевых служб (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network’s SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters. Rori)
network service set identifierидентификатор набора сетевых служб (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
network shareобщая сетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
network shareсетевая папка (A folder or directory on a computer that is set up to be readable or writeable for certain users on other computers. Rori)
network shared folderобщая сетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
network softwareсетевое программное обеспечение (Software that enables groups of computers to communicate, including a component that facilitates connection to or participation in a network)
network status interfaceинтерфейс состояния сети (Windows 8 ssn)
network storeсохранение сети (ssn)
Network Store Interfaceинтерфейс сохранения сети (A service that is responsible for delivering kernel mode networking related notifications to user mode applications)
network store interfaceинтерфейс сохранения сети (ssn)
network streamerоболочка для передачи потоковых пакетов по сети
network summary dashboard viewпредставление панели мониторинга сводных данных о сети (microsoft.com bojana)
Network Symbolsсетевые символы (Office System 2013, Visio 2013 Rori)
Network Test FailedТест сети не пройден (Andy)
network topologyтопология сети (The physical layout of computers, cables, switches, routers, and other components of a network)
non-IP networkсеть, не использующая протокол IP (Andy)
offline shared network locationавтономная общая сетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
Opens the published Network ShareОткрытие опубликованного сетевого ресурса (Windows 8 Rori)
operations networkсеть операций
peer-to-peer networkодноранговая сеть (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
Peer-to-peer network initialization failedОшибка при инициализации одноранговой сети (Windows 7 Rori)
People outside of your company's network are allowed to join as unverified participantsПользователи из-за пределов сети организации могут подключаться в качестве непроверенных участников. (Office Communicator Web Access 2007 R2 Rori)
perimeter networkдемилитаризованная зона
Personal Area Networkличная сеть (A small, Internet Protocol (IP)-based network. It is usually used for short-range, ad-hoc communication between devices and computers. A PAN may also be used to enable connectivity to a larger Local Area Network (LAN), Wide-Area Network (WAN), or the Internet. Windows XP supports the Bluetooth PAN service so you can create Personal Area Networks using Bluetooth)
please locate the network share containing the backup.Найдите сетевую общую папку, содержащую этот архив. (Windows Vista)
Portable Network GraphicsРисунок в формате Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
Portable Network GraphicsРисунки PNG (*.png)
Portable Network Graphicsформат PNG (A graphic file format that is supported by some World Wide Web browsers. PNG supports variable transparency of images (alpha channels) and control of image brightness on different computers (gamma correction). PNG files are compressed bitmaps)
public networkпубличная сеть (A cluster network that supports client-to-cluster communication (either with or without supporting node-to-node communication))
public networkобщедоступная сеть (A cluster network that supports client-to-cluster communication (either with or without supporting node-to-node communication))
public switched telephone networkтелефонная сеть общего пользования (Public switched telephone network (PSTN) is used by standard analog telephone lines, available worldwide)
Publish and subscribe to the file system or network share.Публикация и подписка на объект файловой системы или общий сетевой ресурс. (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
Rejoin the peer-to-peer networkПовторная попытка присоединения к одноранговой сети (Windows 8 Rori)
remediation networkсеть обновлений (microsoft.com bojana)
Remote Desktop Services Network Fair Shareсправедливое распределение ресурсов сети для служб удалённых рабочих столов (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
remote desktop services network fair shareсправедливое распределение ресурсов сети для служб удалённых рабочих столов (ssn)
restricted networkсеть ограниченного доступа (microsoft.com bojana)
restricted networkсеть с ограниченным доступом (A logical portion of the network where client computers that either do not meet health policy or are not capable of asserting that they meet health policy are placed. Computers in the restricted network cannot initiate communication to resources in the secure network)
Save to a network folderСохранить в сетевой папке (элементы разделяются запятой или точкой с запятой; comma or semicolon delimited; Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
Saved networksсохранённые сети (A Control Panel item that allows the user to view saved networks and reconnect to them)
secure networkзащищённая сеть (A logical portion of a network that client computers can access if they either meet corporate health policy or are exempt from meeting corporate health policy)
Select network share as backup targetВыбрать сетевой общий ресурс для архивации (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Server for Network Information Serviceсервер для сетевых информационных служб (Windows 7 Rori)
shared network locationобщая сетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
simple networkпростая сеть
Simple Network Management Protocolпротокол SNMP (A network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. In Windows, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is used to provide status information about a host on a TCP/IP network)
source network interfaceсетевой интерфейс источника (Windows 7, Windows 8 ssn)
Specify the path for language files on a local drive or a network share.Укажите путь для файлов языковой поддержки на жёстком диске или в общем сетевом ресурсе (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
storage area networkсеть хранения данных (A set of interconnected devices (such as disks and tapes) and servers that are connected to a common communication and data transfer infrastructure such as Fibre Channel)
Store on a network shareХранить в сетевой папке (Windows 8 Rori)
the directory is on a network share or drive mapped to a network share.Каталог является сетевым ресурсом или устройством, сопоставленным с сетевым ресурсом. (Visual Studio 2012)
the migration failed: the network share is no longer available.Ошибка миграции: указанный сетевой ресурс недоступен. (Windows Vista SP1)
URL or network share addressURL-адрес или адрес сетевой папки (Office System 2013 Rori)
value-added networkсеть с дополнительными услугами (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
video present networkмодель VidPN (A model that relates the video present sources on a display adapter to the video present targets on the adapter and specifies how those sources and targets are configured. It is an abstraction of the display adapter's presentational subsystem)
virtual networkвиртуальная сеть (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
virtual private networkвиртуальная частная сеть (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
VM Networkсеть виртуальной машины (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
Waiting for users to connect to your adhoc networkОжидание подключения пользователей к вашей сети компьютер-компьютер (Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
we respect your privacy settings on third-party networksмы учитываем параметры конфиденциальности сторонних социальных сетей (Outlook.com Wave 6)
what network folder would you like to map?Выберите сетевую папку, к которой необходимо подключиться (Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7 Rori)
what network folder would you like to map?какую сетевую папку вы хотите подключить? (Windows 8 Rori)
wide area networkWAN, глобальная сеть (A communications network connecting geographically separated computers, printers, and other devices. A WAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
Windows Azure NetworksСети Windows Azure (The networking service in Windows Azure that lets customers create and manage virtual private networks in Windows Azure and securely link them to other virtual networks or to their own on-premises networking infrastructure)
wireless networkбеспроводная сеть (A network that uses radio frequencies (instead of wires or cables) to transmit data between devices)
wireless network nameимя беспроводной сети (The name used to identify a wireless network)
wireless network profileпрофиль беспроводной сети (Information about a wireless network, such as the wireless network name, service set identifier (SSID), network adapter used to connect to the network, default icon, and default printer)
wireless network routerмаршрутизатор для беспроводных сетей (Windows 10 Rori)
wireless wide area networkбеспроводная глобальная сеть (A wireless network that connects geographically separated locations by using telecommunications services, such as satellite, radio, and mobile phone technologies)
WLAN Networkбеспроводная сеть (Windows Phone 8 Rori)
you can continue to access your company network.Теперь вы можете получить доступ к сети своей компании (Windows 8 Rori)
you must renew your credentials to continue to access your company networkчтобы получить доступ к сети компании, обновите свои учётные данные (Windows 8)