
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing NOW | all forms | exact matches only
every now and againнет-нет да и (Anglophile)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." 'More)
it is water under the bridge nowчто было, то было (It is water under the bridge now and you must move forward. – Что было, то было. Тебе нужно об этом забыть и продолжать жить дальше. Alex_Odeychuk)
now that something has caught onс развитием (Now that wordprocessing has caught on, typewriters have gone the way of the dodo. / 4uzhoj)
now that's just typicalвот так всегда (grafleonov)
now we are getting somewhereнаконец-то, дело сдвинулось с мёртвой точки (Tumatutuma)
Now you tell me!Знать бы раньше! (Сожаление о том, что только что сказанное собеседником не было известно раньше: — "They're selling those new phones online for half the usual price." — "Now you tell me! I just paid full price for one!" englishclub.com Kalaus)
Now you tell me!Где же вы раньше были! (Сожаление о том, что только что сказанное собеседником не было известно раньше: — "They're selling those new phones online for half the usual price." — "Now you tell me! I just paid full price for one!" englishclub.com Kalaus)
now you tell me!Предупреждать надо (Теперь уже поздно / А раньше нельзя было сказать?!)
that's all for nowна этом пока все (Ivan Pisarev)
that's all she wrote for nowна этом всё (That's all she wrote for now.)
that's history nowэто в прошлом (visitor)
the time is now toНастало время (+ infinitive; The time is now to make the move before all units are sold.)
you've made your bed, now lie in itза что боролись, на то и напоролись (вариант перевода Alexander Oshis)