
Terms for subject Proverb containing Move on | all forms | in specified order only
dogs may bark but the caravan moves onсобака лает, а караван идёт ('More)
give me a firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the earthдайте мне точку опоры, и я переверну землю (Archimedes; Архимед)
the dogs bark, but the caravan moves onсобака лает, а караван идёт ('More)
the dogs bark, but the caravans move onсобака лает, а караван идёт (Persian proverb: people may make a fuss, but it won't change the situation; the lowly may criticize and complain, but that doesn't stop the flow of events as determined by those of worth. 'More)
things are on the move, and the office is openдела идут, контора пишет