
Terms for subject Grammar containing Most | all forms | exact matches only
more of aскорее (It wasn't a classic hostage situation, it was more of a psychological situation. • I think this tax is more of a revenue grab than any effort to really solve our housing crisis. – это скорее была ART Vancouver)
the mostчаще всего (Lower property taxes – the granddaddy of them all. Lower speed zones. New sidewalks. (...) That last one about sidewalks is something I've heard the most about from readers. I've spoken to dozens of residents just begging for the city to add sidewalks to their Burnaby streets because of concerns about safety. burnabynow.com ART Vancouver)
the mostбольше всего (The thing that irritates me the most is ... – Меня больше всего раздражает то, что ... 2) What really concerns me the most about the premier's speech is that ... – В речи премьера меня больше всего беспокоит то, что ... 3) This tax cut will benefit high-income earners the most. – принесёт больше всего пользы ART Vancouver)
the predicative comparative of most adjectives is formed by adding the ending "-ее" to the stem of the adjectiveПредикативная сравнительная степень большинства прилагательных образуется путём прибавления к основе прилагательного окончания "-ee"