
Terms for subject Informal containing Morning | all forms | exact matches only
a drink of liquor on the morning after much drinkingпохмелка
a drink of liquor on the morning after much drinkingпохмелка (= похмелье)
are you already scrapping so early in the morning?уже с самого утра воюешь?
Brisk morningПриятно прохладное утро (He decided to walk to the office hoping that the brisk morning would make his head light and clear. APN)
Christmas morningпраздник (Cole eats like nobody's business. If I break out a banana he acts like it's Christmas morning. 4uzhoj)
early in the morningс третьими петухами
early in the morningспозаранок (= спозаранку)
early morning hoursрань
first thing in the morningзавтра первым делом (before anything else is done in the morning: I can't help you now. I'll do that first thing. Val_Ships)
first thing in the morningзавтра первым делом (Val_Ships)
hate to get up in the morningочень не любить вставать по утрам (to go there, to study, to waste time, to write long letters, to wait for anybody, to be disturbed, etc., и т.д.)
hate to get up in the morningне выносить вставать по утрам (to go there, to study, to waste time, to write long letters, to wait for anybody, to be disturbed, etc., и т.д.)
he stood in line all morning for ticketsон всё утро простоял в хвосте за билетами
in that same morningтем же самым утром (Val_Ships)
in the early morningс утра пораньше (Andrey Truhachev)
in the morningутречком (Anglophile)
it has kept on snowing since the morningс утра зарядил снег
like it's Christmas morningкак праздник (4uzhoj)
make a day/night/morning/afternoon/evening of itхорошо провести остаток дня/вечера/утра (to continue with an enjoyable activity during all of (a day/night/morning/afternoon/evening): Since we're going out to dinner anyway, let's make an evening of it and go to a movie afterward. КГА)
Monday morning quarterbackingкритика задним числом (рассуждения от том, как следовало бы поступить Taras)
morning afterутро после кутежа
morning afterутро после выпивки
morning bonerутренний стояк (grafleonov)
morning breathнеприятный запах изо рта (Taras)
morning breathдурной запах изо рта (halitosis upon awakening from sleep that is caused by the buildup of bacteria in the mouth from decreased saliva production Taras)
on the morning after the night beforeс бодуна (с похмелья with a hangover)
she is on the go from morning to nightона с утра до вечера на ногах
snow was falling all morningснег пропадал всё утро
sunday morning quarterbackкрепкий задним умом (someone knowing how the event should have been dealt with by others Damirules)
the morning-after breathперегар (visitor)
very early in the morningранёхонько