
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing M.I | all forms
as far as I'm awareнасколько мне известно (No other major city in the country has this extra level of bureaucracy, as far as I'm aware. Never underestimate a bureaucracy's tenacity at preserving itself. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
as far as I'm concernedна мой взгляд ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century" ART Vancouver)
as far as I'm concernedлично я считаю, что (West examined the images of the Malibu underwater object. "My first reaction – knowing that it was 2,000 feet under the water – was that, under no circumstances could it, in fact, be artificial, manmade. And I have enough experience, looking at geology and distinguishing between what could perhaps be artificial, and then there's sort of a gray area in-between. As far as I'm concerned, there's no gray area." huffingtonpost.ca ART Vancouver)
as far as I'm concernedчто касается лично меня, я считаю, что ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
I'm all forя полностью за то, чтобы (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
I'm all forя полностью поддерживаю (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
I'm all forя обеими руками за то, чтобы (I'm all for fixing the gigantic drug problem in Vancouver, but if we are going to pay approximately $7,500 a year for heroin addicts to get their fix then why do diabetics have to pay for their own meds? It's not like they chose to be a diabetic. Where is the common sense here? ART Vancouver)
I'm fineсо мной всё в порядке ("Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." – «С тобой всё в порядке?» «Да, всё в порядке / всё нормально.»  ART Vancouver)
I'm fine with thatя не возражаю (ART Vancouver)
I'm fine with thatменя это вполне устраивает (ART Vancouver)
I'm fine with thatя не против (ART Vancouver)
I'm having troubleу меня не получается (что-то сделать ART Vancouver)
I'm in awe ofя в восхищении от (I'm in awe of her performance. It was brilliant. ART Vancouver)
I'm just fine with thatменя это вполне устраивает (ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingмне бы хотелось узнать (I'm just wondering, how expensive is it to run a gas fireplace in our state? ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingмне бы хотелось знать (I'm just wondering what this is going to cost. ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingхотелось бы знать (I'm just wondering, how do expect to turn a profit with these operating costs? ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingмне просто интересно (I'm just wondering, how much do our MPs get paid? ART Vancouver)
I'm looking forward toмне не терпится (+ gerund: Coun. Jessica McIlroy said she was “very excited” to see how the project progresses. “I know there has been a lot of demand on Lonsdale as a corridor and the region itself … I’m looking forward to hearing what all of the different types of community consultation brings forward,” she said. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
I'm no judgeне берусь судить (The soup tasted funny, as though there was too much lime or lemon juice. But I'm no judge. ART Vancouver)
I'm not doneя не закончил (ART Vancouver)
I'm not doneя ещё не всё сделал (ART Vancouver)
I'm not doneя ещё не закончил (ART Vancouver)
I'm not in any hurryя не спешу (No problem, take your time. I'm not in any hurry. ART Vancouver)
I'm rubber and you're glue! Bad names bounce off me and stick to you!кто как обзывается, тот так и называется! (букв.: Whatever name you call someone is what you yourself are called. What's in a Name? // MN, 19 June 2009 by Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
I'm with you on that oneполностью согласен с вами в этом вопросе (ART Vancouver)