
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Layer | all forms | exact matches only
application layerприкладной уровень (Layer seven of the OSI model, the layer at which applications access network services. This layer represents the services that directly support applications, such as software for file transfer, database access, and e-mail)
application layerслой приложения (A set of application models that take precedence over application models that are in lower application layers. The lowest layer is named SYS. Rori)
Application Layer Enforcementпроверка на прикладном уровне (An operation of Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which provides enforcement for security policies by, in each case, trapping the event, determine what application initiated it, and query the filter engine to determine whether the socket should be allowed to proceed. Rori)
asynchronous communication layerслой асинхронной связи (The layer of AJAX functionality that takes care of communication between the browser and the server. Rori)
ATM adaptation layerуровень адаптации ATM (The layer of the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) protocol stack that parses data into the payload portion of the ATM cell for transport across an ATM network; AAL)
client layerуровень клиента (The layer that resides closest to your application, and that your application uses to communicate directly with SQL Azure. The client layer can reside on-premises in your data center, or it can be hosted in Microsoft Azure. Rori)
compatibility layerоболочка совместимости (Andy)
data-link layerканальный уровень (Layer two of the OSI model. A layer that packages raw bits from the physical layer into frames (logical, structured packets for data). This layer is responsible for transferring frames from one computer to another, without errors. After sending a frame, the data-link layer waits for an acknowledgment from the receiving computer)
data-link layerДатаграмма
hardware abstraction layerслой абстрагирования оборудования (Rori)
hardware abstraction layer A thin layer of software provided by the hardware manufacturer that hides, or abstracts, hardware differences from higher layers of the operating system. By means of the filter provided by the HAL, different types of hardware look alike to the rest of the operating system. This enables the operating system to be portable from one hardware platform to another. The HAL also provides routines that enable a single device driver to support the same device on all platformsслой абстрагирования оборудования (HAL)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layerпротокол HTTPS (A message transfer protocol used by the World Wide Web to service page requests, and which adds a security layer using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology)
infrastructure layerуровень инфраструктуры (The layer that represents the IT administration of the physical hardware and operating systems that support the services layer)
Layer Two Tunneling Protocolпротокол L2TP (An industry-standard Internet tunneling protocol that provides encapsulation for sending Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames across packet-oriented media. For IP networks, L2TP traffic is sent as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) messages. In Microsoft operating systems, L2TP is used in conjunction with Internet Protocol security (IPSec) as a virtual private network (VPN) technology to provide remote access or router-to-router VPN connections. L2TP is described in RFC 2661)
line layerслой линий (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as lines, for example, lines that indicate paths or routes)
map layerслой карты (A child element of the map, each map layer including elements for their map members and map member attributes)
Message Layer Securityпротокол MLS (A cryptographic protocol that provides domain-to-domain secure transmission of SMTP messages on the Internet by using cryptography. The protocol enables SMTP servers to communicate directly or by using an SMTP relay over the Internet in a manner designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery)
Message Layer Securityбезопасность на уровне сообщений
modeling abstraction layerуровень абстракции при моделировании (The layer that resides between users (both application developers and end-users) and SQL Server and SQL Server Analysis Services data. Rori)
network layerсетевой уровень (Layer three of the OSI model. A layer that addresses messages and translates logical addresses and names into physical addresses. It also determines the route from the source to the destination computer and manages traffic problems, such as switching, routing, and controlling the congestion of data packets)
patch layerслой исправлений (An application layer that is paired above an application layer, and used only for hotfixes and service packs. The name of each patch layer ends with the letter "P", and one pair is named SYS and SYP. Rori)
platform layerуровень платформы (The layer that includes the physical servers and services that support the services layer. The platform layer consists of many instances of SQL Server, each of which is managed by the SQL Azure fabric)
point layerслой точек (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as points, for examples, points that indicate cities or points of interest. Rori)
polygon layerслой многоугольников (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as areas, for example, areas that indicate geographical regions such as counties. Rori)
posting layerслой разноски (A current, tax, or operations ledger classification that is assigned to accounting journal entries. Rori)
presentation layerуровень представления данных (Layer six of the OSI model. A network layer that translates data from the application layer into an intermediary format. This layer also manages security issues by providing such services as data encryption, and compresses data so that fewer bits need to be transferred on the network)
RPC proxy interface layerуровень интерфейса RPC-прокси (Windows 8 ssn)
Secure Socket Layer bridgingмост SSL (A network protocol which forwards Secure Socket Layer (SSL) packets)
Secure Socket Layer tunnelingтуннелирование SSL (A network protocol which encapsulates a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol or session inside another)
Secure Sockets Layerпротокол SSL (The protocol that improves the security of data communication by using a combination of data encryption, digital certificates, and public key cryptography. SSL enables authentication and increases data integrity and privacy over networks. SSL does not provide authorization or nonrepudiation)
services layerуровень служб (The layer that functions as a gateway between the client layer and the platform layer, where the data resides. The services layer provides three functions: provisioning, billing and metering, and connection routing)
transport layerтранспортный уровень (Layer four of the OSI model. The network layer that handles error recognition and recovery. When necessary, it repackages long messages into small packets for transmission and, at the receiving end, rebuilds packets into the original message. The receiving transport layer also sends receipt acknowledgments)
Transport Layer Securityпротокол TLS (A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network. TLS encrypts communications and enables clients to authenticate servers and, optionally, servers to authenticate clients. TLS is a more secure version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol)
Transport Layer Security encryptionшифрование TLS (A generic security protocol similar to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP))
WIA Automation LayerСлой WIA-автоматизации (Windows 8 ssn)