
Terms for subject Law containing Law Reporter | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
law reporterсудебный стенографист (A court reporter or court stenographer, also called stenotype operator, shorthand reporter, or law reporter, is a person whose occupation is to transcribe spoken or recorded speech into written form, using shorthand, machine shorthand or voice writing equipment to produce official transcripts of court hearings, depositions and other official proceedings. wikipedia.org 'More)
Washington Law ReporterВашингтонский правовой журнал
Western Law Reporterсборник канадских судебных решений
Western Law Reporterканадский правовой журнал (с 1905 г.)
Western Law Reporter, Canadaсборник канадских судебных решений
Western Law Reporter, Canadaканадский правовой журнал (с 1905 г.)