
Terms for subject Figurative containing Large | all forms | exact matches only
be writ largeявственно ощущаться (The pain of crushingly low oil market prices and wary investors is already writ large across the US shale heartlands. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
be writ largeвстречаться сплошь и рядом (This shortsightedness might seem like Hamid's own tragic flaw were it not writ large elsewhere throughout history. nytimes.com 4uzhoj)
be writ largeявственно читаться (That desire is writ large across Stevens's recent output. • The unspoken question was writ large upon Rose's face. • Obviously, dejection was writ large on his face, as he could not get more ‘coverage'. • Meantime the old salt ("ex-coasting skipper" was writ large all over his person) had hobbled up alongside in his bumpy, shiny boots. • The anger of victims confronted with the complacency and hostility of local and federal authorities was writ large on their faces and made clear in their comments to reporters. • The pain of losing to their great rivals one of the three trophies they won during their all-conquering 2003 season was writ large on the faces of the Bradford players. 4uzhoj)
figure largeвстать в полный рост (о проблеме)
he is used to doing things on a large scaleон привык к большому размаху
large amount ofпалестина
large crowdрать
large sheet of paperпростыня́
large sheet of paperпростыня
large sum of moneyкус
larger-than-lifeгигант (a plaque honouring this larger-than-life artist ART Vancouver)
larger-than-life figureисполинская фигура (о человеке необычайного дарования, например Sergei Aprelikov)
place a large premium onуделять большое внимание (чем-либо A.Rezvov)
play a large partсыграть большую роль (Being from a small town played a large part in who I became and, ultimately, what I do in the tech sector. ART Vancouver)