
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing LAWS | all forms
Births and Deaths Registration Lawзакон о регистрации рождений и смертей
Census Lawзакон о проведении переписей
competition lawантимонопольное законодательство (The set of laws and regulations governing market behaviour, particularly agreements and practices that restrict competition and the acquisition and use of market power. EC competition law is based on Article 81 and Article 82, supplemented by Council Regulation 1/2003 and the EC Merger Regulation. UK competition law is based on the Competition Act ... Found on reckon.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
competition lawантимонопольное законодательство (Competition law, known in the United States as antitrust law, are laws that promote or maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct. (wiki) – АД)
Counter Inflation Law of 1973закон о борьбе с инфляцией 1973 года
Employment Protection Lawзакон об обеспечении занятости (1975 г.)
Fair Trading Lawзакон о добросовестной конкуренции (1973 г.)
Finance Lawзакон о государственном бюджете
Financial Services Lawзакон о финансовых услугах (1988 г.)
Law Lordsчлены Палаты Лордов, составляющие высший суд Великобритании
licensing lawзакон о торговле спиртными напитками
parent lawзаконодательство государства, где зарегистрирована данная компания (the law of the country in which the company is incorporated. Companies House. UK JoannaStark)
poor lawsзаконы о бедных
Sale of Goods Lawзакон о продаже товаров
tort lawгражданское право (Alexander Matytsin)
Trade Agreement Lawзакон о торговых соглашениях (1979 г.)
Trade Description Lawзакон об описании товаров (1968 г.)
Trade Disputes Lawзакон о производственных конфликтах (1927 г.)
Trade Facilities Lawзакон о содействии торговле