
Terms for subject Security systems containing Intelligence Information | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
foreign intelligence informationинформация о деятельности иностранной разведки (e.g., to obtain a FISA warrant, prosecutors must show that a significant purpose of the warrant is to obtain foreign intelligence information; Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
information of intelligence interestинформация, представляющая оперативный интерес (The CIA’s Directorate of Operations is the home of the Clandestine Service, the members of which run operations outside the US designed to obtain information of intelligence interest (secrets) from people who are trying to hide it, or who have access to those people aldrignedigen)
intelligence information analysisанализ разведывательной информации
share information and intelligenceобмениваться разведывательной информацией (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)