
Terms for subject Real estate containing Income | all forms | exact matches only
capitalization of income methodметод капитализации дохода (оценочная деятельность: capitalization of income method–Method of estimating accrued depreciation similar to the sales comparison approach except that estimated values (appraisals) based on the income approach are used instead of comparable sales. Reliability depends on accurate data and appropriate methods. 'More)
effective gross incomeдействительный валовый доход (This term used for an income-producing property, derived from the potential gross income, less the vacancy factor and a collection loss amount. This is the relationship or ratio between the sale price of the value of a property and its effective gross rental income. wiki Alexander Demidov)
gross rental incomeваловый арендный доход (англ. термин используется в США Alex_Odeychuk)
housing price to income ratioкоэффициент доступности жилья (Гевар)
income and asset limitsограничения по размерам доходов и собственности
income approachдоходный подход (The Income Approach is one of three major groups of methodologies, called valuation approaches, used by appraisers. wiki Alexander Demidov)
income capitalization approachметод капитализации земельной ренты (The income capitalization approach (often referred to simply as the "income approach") is used to value commercial and investment properties. Because it is intended to directly reflect or model the expectations and behaviors of typical market participants, this approach is generally considered the most applicable valuation technique for income-producing properties, where sufficient market data exists. wiki Alexander Demidov)
income capitalization approachметод капитализации дохода (The income capitalization approach capitalizes the stream of income into an indicator of value of a commercial property that produces income. (Оценочная деятельность) 'More)
income, cost and market comparisonдоходный, затратный и сравнительный (Land Valuation Methods Equitable land valuation frequently calls for the assessor to make optimum use of a very limited database. Of the three approaches to value (income, cost and market comparison) the cost approach is virtually without use in land appraisal. Land rents can be very helpful when using an income approach, but are often dated and generally limited to commercial and agricultural lands. In case of residential land, only the market comparison approach is directly applicable, and its use is often limited by a shortage of vacant land sales. Hence, land valuation often requires the appraiser to examine available land sales information very carefully. Perhaps more than any other aspect of property valuation, accurate land appraisal relies heavily upon the judgment of the appraiser. Alexander Demidov)
income, cost and sale comparisonдоходный, затратный и сравнительный (In real estate appraisal, the cost approach is one of three basic valuation methods. The others are market, or sale comparison, and income. WK Alexander Demidov)
income-producing propertiesобъекты недвижимости, приносящие доход (Alex_Odeychuk)
income-producing propertiesприносящие доход объекты недвижимости (Alex_Odeychuk)
income projections for commercial propertiesпрогнозы доходов от объектов коммерческой недвижимости (контекстуальный перевод; Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
potential gross incomeпотенциальный валовый доход (Maxim Prokofiev)
rental incomeдоход от аренды (Alex_Odeychuk)
rental income from premisesдоход от аренды помещений (Alex_Odeychuk)
total rental incomeобщий доход от аренды (Alex_Odeychuk)