
Terms for subject Microsoft containing IIS | all forms | exact matches only
IIS CPU Throttlingрегулирование загрузки ЦП для IIS (An IIS feature that limits CPU, memory, and bandwidth consumption by a single application pool in a multitenant deployment)
IIS Database Managerдиспетчер баз данных IIS (An extension to IIS for managing local and remote databases from within IIS Manager)
IIS database managerдиспетчер баз данных IIS (ssn)
IIS 7 Deployment Handlerобработчик развёртывания IIS 7 (A deployment handler that integrates with the Web Management service (WMSVC) and enables non-administrators or administrators to perform remote operations)
IIS instanceэкземпляр IIS (A system for organizing sites on a server. Each server can have more than one IIS instance, and each IIS instance can have more than one top-level site)
IIS 7 Managerдиспетчер IIS 7 (The tool that manages services that are hosted in the Windows Process Activation service (WAS))
IIS 7 managerдиспетчер IIS 7 (ssn)
IIS 7 Manager for Remote Administrationдиспетчер IIS 7 для удалённого администрирования (A software product that provides the ability to securely manage remote IIS 7 servers from Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003)
IIS 7 manager for remote administrationдиспетчер IIS 7 для удалённого администрирования (ssn)
IIS Manager moduleмодуль диспетчера IIS (A set of extension to IIS Manager. Windows Server AppFabric extensions to IIS Manager allow you to configure, control, query, and monitor WCF and WF services (in .NET Framework 4))
IIS Site Analyzerанализатор сайтов IIS (A Search Engine Optimization Toolkit that performs detailed analysis and provides recommendations to improve a Web site's relevance in search results)
IIS Web Management Serviceслужба веб-управления IIS (A service that enables remote and delegated management of a Web server and its Web sites and applications)