
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Had | all forms | exact matches only
had hardlyне успел ..., как (+ past participle + before: He had hardly been in the house five minutes before the police arrived. – Не успел он пробыть в доме и пяти минут, как приехала полиция. • "The hall door had hardly slammed behind our visitor before Holmes had descended the stair." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
had + subject 1 + past participle, subject 2 + would have + past participleесли бы (Had the referendum passed, grocers, convenience marts and drugstores would have charged shoppers 20 cents for each bag they were provided at checkout counters. ART Vancouver)
hardly had ... thanне успел ..., как (Hardly had the Count departed London than the owner of the hotel received a call from his banker that the Count's cheque had bounced. – Не успел граф отбыть из Лондона, как ... ART Vancouver)
have aжелаю (вам: Have a great weekend! – Have a nice day! – Have a good golf game! – Have fun! ART Vancouver)
have a familiarity ofбыть знакомым с (Although we have no clue to the identity of the poet, he seems to have a familiarity of the landscape which is described in the poem and with the scenes depicted. -- знаком с местностью, описанной в поэме wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
have a good relationshipподдерживать хорошие отношения (with – с: Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
have a good relationship withнаходиться в хороших отношениях с (Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. • My partner and I lived in her parents' basement suite for something like 5 years while we were saving to buy a place. No way in hell would we have been able to afford to buy in 2023 if we didn't have that leg up in terms of rent savings. If you have a good relationship with your kids, and you both treat each other like adults and respect each others space boundaries, it's not always bad 'moving out' to only 8ft away from your parents. (Reddit) mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
have a good timeполучать удовольствие (Q: Why do women close their eyes during sex? A: Because they can't stand seeing a man have a good time. ART Vancouver)
have a huge impactоказать огромное влияние (on – на ART Vancouver)
have a particular interest inпроявить особый интерес к (Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
have a profound effectпроизвести глубокое впечатление (on sb. – на кого-л.: The husband of Suzanne Somers believes that the late actress visited him from the 'other side' by way of a series of eerie events that occurred in their home following her passing. Alan Hamel, who was married to the Three's Company star for almost 50 years, shared the wondrous experience in an interview with the website Page Six, wherein he recalled how three particularly curious moments unfolded over the course of one day. The weirdness began, he said, when a hummingbird managed to get into their house and flew around the residence until it finally landed on a picture of him and his wife. However, this was just the start of what he later concluded was a message from his departed wife. According to Hamel, the fireplace in their home then suddenly "started all by itself," which was then followed by an even stranger turn of events when "some music came on by Suzanne’s favorite composer." The trio of curious moments understandably had a profound effect on him as, he declared, "I'm a believer now that there is an afterlife. I'm convinced of it." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
have a profound influenceоказать глубокое влияние (on sb., sth. – на кого-л., что-л.: The Brownings and Wordsworth used to visit Ledbury; John Masefield was born there and said that the Hereford scene had a profound influence on his work. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
have a sense of characterразбираться в людях (As an insurance fraud investigator, you must have a sense of character. -- хорошо разбираться в людях  ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onоказать существенное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onоказать значительное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have an equal sayвысказать своё мнение на равных условиях (с оппонентами предложения: Given this was done without the usual process that allows all residents to have an equal say (it came out of nowhere and was handled rapidly) it's still possible Mayor and Council may reconsider, and not pass the motion until all residents can speak to it. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
have one's best interests in mindруководствоваться интересами кого-л. (Whether you’re appointing an attorney or opening a joint bank account with somebody, it’s important to make sure the person you choose is someone you trust and has your best interests in mind. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
have dealings withиметь дело с (This search is limited to records in the custody or control of our police department. If you have had dealings with any other agency, you must contact that agency directly for access to their information. ART Vancouver)
have sth. doneсделать (Ключевое отличие от русского употребления: если подразумевается НЕ самостоятельное действие, а действие по заказу или по просьбе, в английском используется данная модель; в русском языке такого отличия нет: мы говорим "сделать перевод", подразумевая работу переводчика по заказу: Molecular testing is a must but it's going to cost you some money to have that done in the States. ART Vancouver)
have funповеселиться (We had so much fun – tons of fun! – Мы от души повеселились -- до упада! ART Vancouver)
have funпоразвлечься (в нехорошем смысле ART Vancouver)
have funполучить удовольствие (Have fun creating your own designs – and don’t forget to show us the results! • Пришел он туда, думается, с простой целью — расслабиться и получить удовольствие. Посетитель, находившийся в компании приятелей и злоупотребивший алкоголем, подошел к хрустальной люстре, оторвал от нее подвески и бросил увесистую деталь в витринное стекло окна, разбив его. На замечания персонала заведения хулиган реагировал нецензурной бранью. (из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
have its drawbacksиметь свои недостатки (The cost of fertilizer has also been driven up, he noted, as many of the chemicals come from Russia, and our embargo on them cut off the supply. Yet, he pointed out that using chemical fertilizers on farmland has its drawbacks, and that at Polyface, they run on a "carbon economy," making use of natural composting rather than being dependent on chemicals. -- применение химических удобрений на сельскохозяйственных землях имеет свои недостатки coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
have something readyдержать наготове (As the jets raced across the sky, Mooner recalled, "suddenly, without warning, a black anomalous object shot right through the middle of their formation at terrific speed." Having been waiting for such a sighting to occur over the course of the airshow, the UFO enthusiast had his camera ready and snapped several photos of the dark anomaly. Based on his perspective, Mooner marveled that "this object must have been going at least 1000mph as it passed dangerously close to the Red Arrows as it shot off and disappeared from view." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
have second thoughtsзасомневаться (to start having doubts about a decision you have made (Longman Dictionary): While cleaning out the property following the recent death of his father, Mr Nickl came across his grandparents' beloved art collection. The award-winning pastry chef from the NSW Southern Highlands originally planned to give away the paintings to charity. But he had second thoughts and approached his neighbour, leading Australian artist Ben Quilty, who 'begrudgingly' agreed to look at the collection. -- засомневался, стоит ли это делать и обратился к соседу dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
have the opportunityполучить возможность (+ infinitive: "I finally had the opportunity to fulfill my love of cooking," says Mike, who is finishing his last year in the culinary management program at Douglas College. • "As we look to open our doors, guests will have the opportunity to learn about the legend, and then get to search the famous Loch themselves, armed with further knowledge," said Juliana Delaney of Continuum. -- посетители получат возможность unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
he has a point thereв этом он прав
I wish I had half your complaintмне бы ваши заботы (ART Vancouver)
it had to be that wayиначе просто быть не могло ("It had to be that way. Just as when Marriott called me up and gave me a song and dance about a jewel ransom payoff it had to be because I had been to see Mrs. Florian asking about Velma." – Raymond Chandler ART Vancouver)
time is getting on, we had better startвремя идёт, давайте начинать (Perhaps, as time is getting on, we had better start. ART Vancouver)
wish I hadесли бы у меня был (Lovely tree. Wish I had my own to decorate! ART Vancouver)
you've had enoughна сегодня хватит (пить: "You've had enough!" ART Vancouver)