
Terms for subject Religion containing HA | all forms | exact matches only
'al ha-nissimаль га-ниссим (In Judaism, a prayer "for the miracles")
aron ha-qodeshарон кодеш (In Jewish synagogues, an ornate cabinet that enshrines the sacred Torah scrolls used for public worship)
bet ha-Knessetсинагога
bet ha-Tefillaсинагога
ha-Kotel ha-Ma'araviместо паломничества правоверных евреев в Иерусалиме
ha-Kotel ha-Ma'araviСтена плача
Hag ha-Asif In Judaism, "Festival of Ingathering", another name for Sukkot XarПраздник Кущей
Hag ha-Asif In Judaism, "Festival of Ingathering", another name for Sukkot XarСуккот
Hag ha-Asif In Judaism, "Festival of Ingathering", another name for Sukkot Xarга-Асиф
Hag ha-QazirПраздник урожая
Hag ha-QazirШавуот
Hag ha-QazirХаг га-Казир (In Judaism, "Harvest Festival", another name for Shavuot)
hoi ha-mo'edхол га-моэд
Kneset ha-GedolaВеликая Синагога
Kneset ha-GedolaКнессет га-Гедола (Assembly of Jewish religious leaders who, after returning in 539 ВС to their homeland from the Babylonian Exile, initiated a new era in the history of Judaism)
Me'arat ha-Makhpelaпещера Махпела
Me'arat ha-Makhpelaусыпальница патриархов в Хевроне
Me'arat ha-MakhpelaМеарат га-Махпела (The cave in Hebron with the tombs of the patriarchs)
'olam ha-baолам га-ба (In Jewish theology, either "the world after death" or the new creation or restoration of the world that is to follow the messianic millennium)
'olam ha-zaолам хазе (In Jewish theology, present life on earth, as opposed to olam ha-ba)
pidyon ha-benпидион га-бен
pidyon ha-benвыкуп первородных (Jewish ceremony in which the father redeems his wife's firstborn son by offering to a cohen the equivalent of five silver shekels)
Rosch ha-Shanahеврейский Новый год (MichaelBurov)
Rosch ha-ShanahРош Ашана (Jewish New Year MichaelBurov)
Rosch ha-ShanahРош-Хашана (Jewish New Year MichaelBurov)
Rosh ha-Shanahиудейский Новый год (Jewish New Year MichaelBurov)
Rosh ha-ShanahРош Га-Шана (Jewish New Year MichaelBurov)
Rosh ha-ShanahРош Ха-Шана (Jewish New Year MichaelBurov)
Rosh ha-Shanahеврейский Новый год (MichaelBurov)
Sabbaths of hol ha-mo'edсубботы хол га-моэд (Two "intermediate days" falling between the initial and final days of the Passover and Sukkot festivals)
Sefer ha-turimЧетыре ряда
Sefer ha-turimАрбаа турим
Sefer ha-zoharЗогар
Shabbat ha-GadolВеликая суббота
Shabbat ha-GadolШабат га-Гадол (The Sabbath that immediately precedes Passover)
Shinto Taisei-haсекта синто-тайсейга ("Great Accomplishment School of Shinto", one of the Shinto Confucian sects)
Shir ha-ShirimКнига Песни Песней Соломона
Shir ha-ShirimШир га-Ширим
yetzer ha-ra'ангел зла
yetzer ha-ra'йецер га-ра (In Judaism, the angel of evil inclination which enters each man after birth)
yetzer ha-tovангел добра
yetzer ha-tovйецер га-тов (In Judaism, the angel of good inclination which enters each man after birth)
Yom ha-BikkurimШавуот
Yom ha-BikkurimПраздник первых фруктов
Yom ha-BikkurimИом га-Биккурим (In Judaism, "Day of First Fruits", another name for Shavuot)
yom ha-qaddish In Judaism, Tebet 10, a fast day upon which the mourner's prayer is recitedйом га-кадиш
yom ha-qaddishпост десятого дня тебефа