
Terms for subject General containing Guideline | all forms | exact matches only
Exchange Risks Management GuidelineРуководство по управлению рисками, связанными с обменом валюты
guideline company methodанализ сопоставимых компаний (The guideline company method compares the company that needs to be valued with similar companies that are publicly traded. It uses the stock price to determine the total market value of the equity of each guideline company.Then the market value of equity as a percentage of revenues and/or another measure of performance, like EBITDA, is used to estimate a market value for the company being evaluated. Alexander Demidov)
guideline developerметодист (Dr Suzanne Kearney, GP in Aylesbury and guideline developer, said: "Although most people who self-harm do not wish to end their lives, ... Dr Amanda Adler, consultant diabetologist and NICE guideline developer said:"This update to the guideline for type 2 diabetes is good news ... guideline developer, which uses expert input from the royal medical colleges, professional bodies and patient/carer organisations to produce the guidelines. I am a member of the GRADE working group and use GRADE in my current employment as a guideline developer. Clinical Knowledge Author, Guideline Developer and Informatician. Alexander Demidov)
guideline documentруководящий документ (WiseSnake)
guideline to followруководство к действию (Alexander Demidov)
guideline transaction methodметод сопоставимых сделок (Alexander Demidov)
Harmonized Tripartite GuidelineМеждународные гармонизированные трёхсторонние правила (ICHGCP – ICH Harmonized Tripartite Guideline for Good Clinical Practice Johnny Bravo)
methodological guidelineметодическое руководство (Mag A)
OECD test guidelineруководящий принцип проведения испытаний ОЭСР (Vickyvicks)
Reporting GuidelineРуководство по отчётности (Andy)