
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Get | all forms | exact matches only
didn't get a chanceне удалось сделать что-л. (+ infinitive: Sorry for calling so early but I didn't get a chance to call last night. -- Прошу прощения за ранний звонок, но вчера вечером не удалось позвонить. ART Vancouver)
get a better look atполучше разглядеть (The puzzling anomaly presumably went unnoticed when the video was filmed as, unfortunately, the UAV makes no attempt at getting a better look at the mysterious creature in the field. • The group first saw the silently spinning, apparently ring-shaped UFO through the window of the grammar School. According to Beiling: "We saw it through a window from inside the school at first, then we rushed outside to get a better look. We were all pretty excited, and I think there was one who was even quite frightened. coasttocoastam.com, mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
get a good look atхорошо разглядеть (a report from a witness named Jay MacCarroll, of Kalkaska, Michigan. The witness says that he and a neighbor saw a freakishly large dragonfly measuring 10 to 12 inches long, with four wings and an iridescent blue coloration. (...) When asked if it might have been a radio controlled drone, the man insisted that it was not, and that it made no sound at all as it passed right by them and into the trees. Although the sighting only lasted a few moments, he claims that it passed very close, and that they got a good look at it. • Did you get a good look at the men who attacked you? – Вы хорошо разглядели нападавших? mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
get a good look atхорошо рассмотреть (Did you get a good look at the men who attacked you? – Вы хорошо рассмотрели нападавших? • After seeing the vehicle positioned outside Wilson’s car several times, and then managing to get a good look at his license plate – which the police were quickly able to confirm as being totally bogus – they carefully closed in, with the intention of speaking with the pair of MIB and finding out the nature of their game. ART Vancouver)
get an eyeful ofнасмотреться (Chris and Emily told me they had spent two days in Vancouver and got an eyeful of crackheads, drug dealers and panhandlers hanging around their hotel, so they're not planning to come back any time soon. – достаточно насмотрелись на ART Vancouver)
get sb's attentionнасторожить (That got my attention. – Это меня насторожило. ART Vancouver)
get away with itуйти от ответственности (Wow, just wow! Mayor McCallum's lies vs. video evidence, and the lies win. Congrats BC court system, you've let another criminal get away with it. At least you're consistent. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
get busyприняться за работу (ART Vancouver)
get busyзаполняться (людьми или машинами: Now this beautiful beach does get a little busy at times, so head out early with your towel and pick your spot. • The Oak Street Bridge is getting busier due to an earlier crash at Sea Island Way, so take the Knight Street Bridge instead if you're heading south. • "Isn't it crowded?" "Well yes, it can get busy, especially in and around St Mark's Square." -- многолюдно ART Vancouver)
get busyзаняться делом (It's not enough to talk about change, the new premier's got to get busy and make these changes. ART Vancouver)
get buy-inполучить согласие (Yeldar Azanbayev)
get carried awayнемного увлечься (I got carried away a little bit, my apologies. (в изложении темы, лекции) -- Прошу прощения, я немного увлёкся. ART Vancouver)
Get cleaned outостаться без денег (No money left. Interex)
get closeподойти близко (to sth., to sb. – к чему-л., к кому-л.: It's too hot, you can't get close to it. -- Он слишком горячий, к нему нельзя близко подойти. ART Vancouver)
Get crushedпотерять много денег (When the stock market went down, I got crushed. Interex)
get exhaustedвыбиться из сил (Anybody can get exhausted, anybody can get frustrated by hearing this kind of music all day long. Therefore I'm asking for two months of probation for my client. ART Vancouver)
get into a rageвыйти из себя (Whatever happens on the road, it's not worth getting into a rage. -- не стоит выходить из себя ART Vancouver)
get sb. into troubleдоставить неприятности (High-fat dairy foods could get you into trouble. ART Vancouver)
get it behind the earполучить оплеуху (ART Vancouver)
get luckyповезти (But even basic apartments are super expensive. If you get lucky you’ll get a house share but that’s also very competitive. -- если тебе повезёт (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
get out of the rainвыйти сухим из воды (igisheva)
get overwhelmedне справляться (with:: The BC SPCA has taken custody of 45 dogs it says were very neglected and in extremely poor condition at a home just outside Victoria. It turns out the owner has gotten overwhelmed with the number of dogs in her care and absolutely did not even come close to meeting their needs. ART Vancouver)
get rid ofповыбрасывать (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было повыбрасывать ART Vancouver)
get rid ofвыбросить (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было выбросить ART Vancouver)
get one's shoes wetзамочить обувь (You're going to get your shoes all wet! Are they wet inside? Let me see. ART Vancouver)
get one's shoes wetзамочить ноги (You're going to get your shoes all wet! Are they wet inside? Let me see. ART Vancouver)
get things doneдобиваться конкретных результатов (Liberal leader Ken Kaiser promotes himself as a person who ‘gets things done.’ ART Vancouver)
get this over withпоскорее с этим покончить (I'm all excited to get this over with! ART Vancouver)
get toприходится (+ infinitive: Friends living in Portside District pay $2,000 less in property taxes compared to us in Sunshine Hills due to the waterfront industry. We wake up to the sound of birds in the greenbelt behind us, and they get to listen to trains, grain elevators working 24/7 and now this. The price we pay is worth it. -- а им приходится слушать)
get sb. to do sth.заставлять (Are they getting you to do any exercises in the bed, like lifting your feet? -- Тебя не заставляют ...? ART Vancouver)
get to knowпознакомиться с (When you move into a new neighbourhood, be sure to get to know your local pharmacist. – обязательно познакомьтесь со своим аптекарем ART Vancouver)
get to meetпознакомиться с (someone – кем-л.: The Raiders were performing on the Freedom Barge and Tamara got to meet them. "What a great group of guys," she said, noting she brought some of the members back to her home where her mother made them sandwiches. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
get to workдобраться до работы (My wife and I have two cars, in case one breaks down, so we can still get to work. BC ferries, should try something, along those lines. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
get under controlсправиться (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver)
get under controlодолеть (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver)
get under controlсовладать (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver)
get well soonскорейшего выздоровления (ART Vancouver)
get your arms aroundиметь уверенность в знании чего-то сложного (Yeldar Azanbayev)
get your arms around itполностью овладевать ситуацией (Interex)
get your arms around itвникать в суть дела (Interex)
Get your foot in the doorпервый шаг в развитии деловых отношений (Interex)
Get your head in the gameдумай только о деле (Interex)
Get your head in the gameпрекрати думать о постороннем (Interex)
I get that all the timeмне об этом постоянно говорят ("You're really tall!" "Yeah, I get that all the time." ART Vancouver)
I get this question a lotменя часто спрашивают об этом (ART Vancouver)
I get whyя понимаю, почему (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
I get whyмне понятно, почему (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
is going to get sb. into a lot of troubleдо добра не доведёт (ART Vancouver)
let me get this straightпогоди, давай разберёмся (Now let me get this straight, as a concerned citizen, wanting the best for the community, wishing to speak, critique and have a little input about an identified development site, the gag order is in, I cannot orally address the matter with my elected officials in council chambers. This is what I cannot do. But what I can do, is take my 2.5 grams of crack cocaine, go to the plaza at City Hall and smoke myself half-dead, this is O.K.This is what the Province of British Columbia thinks is good government...yeah right... (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
let me get this straightдавайте разберёмся (So let me get this straight! If you damage a LGBQ flag you get charged for hate crime but if you're a Christian-hating freak and kill 6 Christians it's not! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
May everyone get his just desertsкаждому воздастся по заслугам ("their" из соображений политкорректности VLZ_58)
remodeling doesn't get finished, it just gets stoppedремонт не кончается, а прекращается (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
you can't get there from hereничего не выйдет (Sorry, you can't get there from here. – Ничего у вас не выйдет. ART Vancouver)
you won't get anything from me!Фиг тебе! (Leonid Dzhepko)
you won't get away with itвам это даром не пройдёт (ART Vancouver)