
Terms for subject Medical containing Germline | all forms | exact matches only
germline engineeringинженерия зародышевой линии (Alexandinah)
germline mutationмутация половых клеток (amatsyuk)
germline mutationмутация гамет (A germ line is the sex cells (eggs and sperm) that are used by sexually reproducing organisms to pass on genes from generation to generation. Egg and sperm cells are called germ cells, in contrast to the other cells of the body that are called somatic cells. In biology and genetics, the germline in a multicellular organism is that population of its bodily cells that are so differentiated or segregated that in the usual processes of reproduction they may pass on their genetic material to the progeny. Термины "герминативная" и "генеративная" в русском языке обозначают другие понятия. amatsyuk)
germline mutationгаметная мутация (amatsyuk)
germline mutationгерминативная мутация (Dimpassy)
germline mutationгерминальная мутация (Andy)