
Terms for subject Computers containing Fuzzy | all forms | exact matches only
adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systemадаптивная сеть на основе системы нечёткого вывода (wikipedia.org Maria_Shal)
fuzzy cognitive mapнечёткая когнитивная карта (A Fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) is a cognitive map within which the relations between the elements (e.g. concepts, events, project resources) of a "mental landscape" can be used to compute the "strength of impact" of these elements. Ron Axelord introduced Cognitive Maps as a formal way of representing social scientific knowledge and modeling decision making in social and political systems. Then brought in the computation fuzzy logic.[ wikipedia.org 'More)
fuzzy cognitive mapнечёткая когнитивная карт (A Fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) is a cognitive map within which the relations between the elements (e.g. concepts, events, project resources) of a "mental landscape" can be used to compute the "strength of impact" of these elements. Ron Axelord introduced Cognitive Maps as a formal way of representing social scientific knowledge and modeling decision making in social and political systems. Then brought in the computation fuzzy logic.[ http:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_cognitive_map 'More)
fuzzy-constraint networkсеть с нечёткими ограничениями (ssn)
fuzzy indexнеточный индекс (tania_mouse)
fuzzy inferenceнечёткий вывод
fuzzy instructionнечёткая инструкция
fuzzy-logic hardwareаппаратные средства реализации нечёткой логики (ssn)
fuzzy modelling relationнечёткое отношение моделирования
fuzzy objectобъект с нечёткими границами
fuzzy scaleразмытая шкала
fuzzy setнечёткое множество