
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing From | all forms | exact matches only
a short distance fromна небольшом расстоянии от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
a short distance fromнедалеко от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
approach from another angleподойти с другой стороны (I think we should approach the matter from another angle. – нам нужно подойти к этому вопросу с другой стороны ART Vancouver)
dating fromначиная с (The Myreton Motor Museum at Aberlady has a collection of old bicycles and motor vehicles dating from 1866. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
discourage fromотбить охоту (Singapore has also taken some drastic action, taxation wise, to discourage its citizens from buying up housing for investment purposes. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
discourage fromотбить желание (Singapore has also taken some drastic action, taxation wise, to discourage its citizens from buying up housing for investment purposes. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
far from itничего подобного
far from itдалеко не так
from a ... point of viewс точки зрения (from a citizen's and taxpayer's point of view – с точки зрения гражданина и налогоплательщика ART Vancouver)
from a scientific standpointс научной точки зрения (From a scientific standpoint, the Mongolian death worm presents a fascinating puzzle. (thevintagenews.com) ART Vancouver)
from a ... standpointс точки зрения (As a criminal defense attorney I can tell you it's a very tough case from a defense standpoint. ART Vancouver)
from out of townприезжий (I’m visiting from out of town and wondering if there are any old historical things like this I can explore. ART Vancouver)
from the bottom of my heartот всей души (Thank you from the bottom of my heart. – От всей души благодарю вас. ART Vancouver)
further to the article fromв продолжение статьи от (Further to the article from last week regarding a potential redesign for Lonsdale Avenue, I would like to share a few thoughts. ART Vancouver)
hard to tell from the pictureтрудно сказать по фотографии (Hard to tell from the pictures, but does it look like smoke or a cloud? Fingers crossed it's a massive, fast developing cloud... (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
I couldn't prevent him fromя его не могу удержать от
it is immediately apparent from the foregoing thatиз вышесказанного ясно, что (ssn)
keep fromне давать (keep sb. from + gerund = не давать кому-л. делать что-л: As one of her sources, Evelyn McKinney, explained in 1964, “These stories were about things that happened at night. And these were the things that kept you from going out.… I mean these things that kept you in fear not of the master himself, but of the supernatural. You knew that you may be able to avoid the master because perhaps he was sleeping. But you couldn’t avoid the supernatural.” atlasobscura.com ART Vancouver)
like taking candy from a babyбез затруднений (Liv Bliss)
like taking candy from a babyлегко (Liv Bliss)
make a lot of money fromхорошо нагреть руки на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
make a lot of money fromхорошо нажиться на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
my impression from what I hear isу меня сложилось впечатление, что... (в данном случае из общения с людьми: Gambioli said she had concerns that the public doesn’t understand the plan. “It’s very complicated,” she said. “My impression from what I hear is people don’t understand what this is.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
nothing could be further from the truthдальше этого от истины нет ничего (ART Vancouver)
passed away from a brief illnessскончался после непродолжительной болезни (It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Ian Punnett passed away from a brief illness yesterday. His keen intellect and delightful sense of humor will be deeply missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be plain from the outsetясно с самого начала (It was plain from the outset that ... – С самого начала было ясно, что ... ART Vancouver)
reel fromприходить в себя (после пережитого: I'm still reeling from it. – Я ещё в себя прийти не могу. ART Vancouver)
Russophobia from the Anglo-Saxonsангло-саксонская русофобия (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
speaking from the perspective ofс точки зрения (Speaking from the perspective of a full-figured woman who's been wearing a bra all her life, I can attest to the associated back pain. ART Vancouver)
take-home message from somethingмораль (чего-либо; контекстный перевод igisheva)
take-home message from somethingмораль (чего-либо (контекстный перевод igisheva)
the evidence from practice showsкак показывает практика (VLZ_58)
view from thirty thousand feetвид с птичьего полёта (Yeldar Azanbayev)
well away from prying eyesподальше от любопытных глаз (In this time gone by it would have been illegal not to attend established church services, and to perform your own church service would have been strictly illegal, this is probably why this isolated spot would have been chosen, well away from prying eyes and the authorities. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
what kept him from comingчто вам помешало прийти (приехать)
where on earth did you spring from?Откуда ты взялся? (ART Vancouver)
you can't get there from hereничего не выйдет (Sorry, you can't get there from here. – Ничего у вас не выйдет. ART Vancouver)
you won't get anything from me!Фиг тебе! (Leonid Dzhepko)