
Terms for subject Grammar containing Could | all forms | exact matches only
as hard as ... couldизо всех сил ("I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming, and that was what I think snapped me out of it, those teeth. The weight that had been holding me down was lifted and I shoved that sucker as hard as I could." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
could have beenмогло обернуться (it could have been worse – дело могло обернуться хуже Alex_Odeychuk)
could notне может быть (глагол could при отрицании может выражать невероятность: She could not have changed like that. – Не может быть, чтобы она так изменилась. Alex_Odeychuk)
could not possibly have + past participleникак не мог (The second witness is telling the truth. She couldn't possibly have seen the assailant's face. • "He could not possibly have been drowned in the moat, which was at no place more than three feet deep." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)