
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Column | all forms | exact matches only
Basic Columnsбазовые столбцы (A grouping of column headings on a report)
binding columnсвязанный столбец (ssn)
calculated columnвычисляемый столбец (A type of column that displays the results of mathematical or logical operations or expressions instead of stored data)
Change the selected sparkline group to a column sparkline.Изменение выделенной группы спарклайнов на спарклайн-гистограмму (Office System 2010, Office System 2013 Rori)
Click to sort columnЩелкните, чтобы отсортировать столбец (microsoft.com ines_zk)
clustered column chartгистограмма с группировкой (A column chart subtype that compares values across categories. The categories are organized horizontally, and values vertically, to emphasize variation over time)
column areaобласть столбцов (The part of PivotTable view that contains column fields)
column bindingпривязка к столбцу (The binding of an Analysis Services object to a column in a data source view)
column breakразрыв столбца (A special symbol that breaks a column when inserted into a document. It ends the current column and starts the next column)
column building blockшаблон столбца (A worksheet template that contains headings for report columns as well as codes to define the type of information in a column, such as reporting periods and calculations. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks)
column building blockшаблон столбца (A worksheet template that contains headings for report columns as well as codes to define the type of information in a column, such as reporting periods and calculations. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks ssn)
column chartгистограмма (A graph that uses vertical bars to show data changes over a period of time or illustrate comparisons among items)
column chooserвыбор столбца (Andy)
column delimiterразделитель столбцов (A character which separates columns from each other in the CSV file being imported/exported)
column fieldполе столбца (A field that's assigned a column orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a column field are displayed as column labels)
column filterфильтр столбцов (A filter that restricts columns that are to be included as part of a snapshot, transactional, or merge publication)
column guideНаправляющий столбец
column guideразделяющий элемент (A vertical layout guide that is used to divide a publication page into two or more columns)
column headingзаголовок столбца (A standard Windows control that can be used to provide interactive column titles for a list)
column labelподпись столбца (Andy)
column labelметка столбца (Andy)
Column Labelsназвания столбцов (An area in the layout section of a PivotTable field list to which fields can be added in order to display fields as columns at the top of the report)
column-level collationпараметры сортировки на уровне столбцов (Supporting multiple collations in a single instance)
column-level constraintограничение на уровне столбцов (A constraint definition that is specified within a column definition when a table is created or altered)
Column Optionsпараметры столбцов (A dialog for specifying columns and sort order to display in a result list)
Column Optionsпараметры столбцов (A dialog for specifying columns and sort order to display in a result list. Rori)
column ordinalпорядковый номер столбца (A number that represents the position of the column in a set of columns. So, if a table has 3 columns, named Name, Address, and Zip, in that order, their ordinals are 0, 1, and 2)
Column Pattern Profileпрофиль шаблона столбца (A report containing a set of regular expressions that cover the specified percentage of values in a string column)
column selectorзнак выбора всех столбцов (The horizontal bar at the top of a column. You can click a column selector to select an entire column in the query design grid or the filter design grid)
column setнабор столбцов (An untyped XML representation that combines all the sparse columns of a table into a structured output)
Column Sparklineспарклайн-гистограмма (Office System 2013 Rori)
column totalстолбец итога (Ding_an_sich)
column worksheetшаблон столбца (A worksheet template that contains headings for report columns as well as codes to define the type of information in a column, such as reporting periods and calculations. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks)
Columns Gridсетка столбцов (An editable grid structure in the Table Designer that lists the columns of a table and additional information about each column)
computed columnвычисляемый столбец (A virtual column in a table whose value is computed at run time)
Configure Columnsнастройка столбцов (Office System 2010, SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
Convert to Column SparklineПреобразовать в спарклайн-гистограмму (Office System 2013 Rori)
Custom Columnsнастраиваемый столбец (A grouping of column headings on a report)
3D Column ChartОбъёмная гистограмма (LisAnieL)
3-D column chartтрёхмерная гистограмма (A column chart subtype that compares data points along two axes)
3D Stacked Column ChartОбъёмная гистограмма с накоплением (LisAnieL)
3D 100% Stacked Column ChartОбъёмная нормированная гистограмма с накоплением (LisAnieL)
data columnстолбец данных (Andy)
database column valueзначение столбца базы данных
derived columnпроизводный столбец (A transformation that creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns)
discretized columnдискретизированный столбец (A column that represents finite, counted data)
external data columnстолбец внешних данных (A column type that allows data from external systems to be incorporated into SharePoint lists)
floating column chartплавающая гистограмма (A stacked column chart that creates the effect of floating columns by making the first data series invisible. The result is a chart that depicts mininum and maximum values)
Gets or sets the width of the row header column.Получение или установка ширины столбца заголовков строк. (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
Go to the Create View page to select columns, filters, and other settings to create a new view.Переход к странице "Создание представления" для выбора столбцов, фильтров и других параметров с целью создания нового представления (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
identity columnидентифицирующий столбец (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
identity columnстолбец идентификаторов (Ding_an_sich)
included column indexиндекс с включёнными столбцами
join columnстолбец соединения (A column referenced in a join condition)
key columnключевой столбец (A column whose contents uniquely identify every row in a table)
Mining Model Output Columnsвыходные столбцы модели интеллектуального анализа данных (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Multi-Column Layoutразметка с несколькими колонками (A Windows feature that allows designers and developers to lay out a single column of HTML content in multiple parallel columns of equal width and height. This layout style allows designers to make better use of available display space, and is common to newspapers and magazines in both the print and digital world)
multi-column layoutразметка с несколькими колонками (ssn)
multiple column sort modeрежим сортировки по нескольким столбцам (The state of a header control in which two or more header columns can participate in a sort)
multiple column sort modeрежим сортировки по нескольким столбцам (The state of a header control in which two or more header columns can participate in a sort. Rori)
Nonkey index columnнеключевой индексный столбец
nullable columnстолбец, допускающий значения NULL (Ding_an_sich)
Opens the list of preset column layoutsОткрытие списка заготовок макетов столбцов (Word 2013 Rori)
output columnsвыходные столбцы (Office System 2010, SQL Server 2012 Rori)
partitioning columnстолбец секционирования (The column of a table or index that a partition function uses to partition a table or index)
persisted computed columnматериализованный вычисляемый столбец (A computed column of a table that is physically stored, and whose values are updated when any other columns that are part of its computation change. Applying the persisted property to a computed column allows for indexes to be created on it when the column is deterministic, but not precise)
predictable columnпрогнозируемый столбец (A data mining column that the algorithm will build a model around based on values of the input columns. Besides serving as an output column, a predictable column can also be used as input for other predictable columns within the same mining structure)
Query for columns on the financial statement.Запрос по столбцам финансового отчёта (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Range Column ChartГистограмма диапазонов (Выводит диапазон данных, причем каждой точке данных соответствует два значения Y. LisAnieL)
Reorder Columnsизменить порядок столбцов (Office System 2010 Rori)
Reorder Columnsпереупорядочение столбцов (Office System 2010 Rori)
sparse columnразрежённый столбец (A column that reduces the storage requirement for null values at the cost of more overhead to retrieve nonnull values)
stacked column chartгистограмма с накоплением (A column chart subtype that shows the relationship of individual items to the whole, comparing the contribution of each value to a total across categories)
Stacked Column ChartГистограмма с накоплением (LisAnieL)
100% Stacked Column ChartНормированная линейчатая диаграмма с накоплением (Выводит несколько рядов данных в виде гистограмм с накоплением. Совокупное соотношение каждого элемента всегда составляет 100 % от оси Y. LisAnieL)
100% stacked column chartнормированная гистограмма (A column chart subtype that compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories)
Subtotal Columnстолбец промежуточных итогов (Office System 2010 Rori)
Tracking Columnsстолбцы со сведениями о состоянии (" An option under the Columns heading on the Report window. When expanded, this option enables the user to select columns that contain tracking information such as "Created By" and "Modified On".")
typed by columnс типизацией по столбцу (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
typed by columnтипизировано по столбцам (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Unmapped Output Columnsнесопоставленные выходные столбцы (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Use the grid to configure columns for the list.с помощью таблицы настройте столбцы для списка (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)