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Terms for subject Law containing Chief of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
chief administration attached to Council of Ministersглавное управление при совете министров
chief judge of common pleasпредседательствующий в суде общегражданских исков
chief justice of the common pleasглавный судья суда общегражданских исков
Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Courtпредседатель Верховного суда США
chief of medicineглавный врач (A chief physician, also called a head physician, physician in chief, senior consultant, or chief of medicine, is a physician in a senior management position at a hospital or other institution. In many institutions, it is the title of the most senior physician, but it may also be used as the title of the most senior physician of a particular department within a larger institution. A chief physician generally is in charge of medical matters and often is the superior of other physicians (including consultants and attending physicians), but may also be in charge of other professional groups and areas of responsibility. WK Alexander Demidov)
Chief of the Civil Acts Registration BureauЗаведующий отделом бюро записи актов гражданского состояния (св-во о рождении Johnny Bravo)
Chief of the Civil Registry Officeзаведующий бюро ЗАГС (emirates42)
Chief of the RF Government Staffруководитель аппарата правительства РФ в ранге министра (ministerial rank Leonid Dzhepko)
Court Chief Executive of the CourtГлавный судебный исполнитель (Andy)
International Association of Chiefs of PoliceМеждународная ассоциация начальников полиции (МАНП)
lieutenant governor's chief of staffруководитель аппарата вице-губернатора (штата Alex_Odeychuk)
lord Chief Justice of Englandсудья-председатель отделения королевской скамьи Высокого суда правосудия
lord Chief Justice of Englandлорд – главный судья
Office of the Chief Medical Examinerбюро судебно-медицинской экспертизы (Канада Dude67)