
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Bat | all forms | exact matches only
as blind as a batслепой, как крот (igisheva)
as blind as a batслеп как крот (Andrey Truhachev)
at a rare batв быстром темпе (Bobrovska)
at a rare batочень быстро (Bobrovska)
bat an eyelashделать большие глаза (Yerkwantai)
bat an eyelashреагировать (to respond. When cellular phones first came out they were something of a novelty. These days, nobody bats an eyelash. Interex)
bat aroundдискуссия (Interex)
bat aroundобсуждение (To discuss. I think we've batted this idea around enough to take a decision." Interex)
bat for both sidesкритиковать обе стороны (Interex)
bat your eyelashes atстроить глазки (someone APN)
bat your eyes atстроить глазки (someone APN)
blind as a batслепой как крот (Andrey Truhachev)
blind as a batслеп как крот (Andrey Truhachev)
carry one's batдобиться своего (Mirinare)
carry one's batпобедить (Mirinare)
carry out one's batодержать победу (Bobrovska)
carry out one's batдобиться своего (Bobrovska)
carry out one's batпобедить (Bobrovska)
first off the batпервым делом (Artjaazz)
first thing off the batпервым делом (Artjaazz)
first thing off the batс места в карьер (I went into his office and first thing off the bat, he started yelling at me. Interex)
go on a batпускаться во все тяжкие (Taras)
go to bat forподдерживать (VLZ_58)
have a bat in the belfryбыть сумасшедшим (Helene2008)
have a bat in the belfryкрыша поехала
have bats in the belfryиметь странные идеи (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have bats in the belfryбыть ненормальным (Yeldar Azanbayev)
like a bat out of hellкак черт от ладана (бежать, убегать Skassi)
like a bat out of hellсломя ноги (VLZ_58)
like a bat out of hellвнезапно
like a bat out of hellкак угорелый (VLZ_58)
like a bat out of hellне чуя под собою ног (VLZ_58)
like a bat out of hellкак ужаленный
like a bat out of hellкак на пожар
like a bat out of hellкак ошпаренный
like a bat out of hellсломя голову (VLZ_58)
like a bat out of hellс быстротой молнии (VLZ_58)
like a bat out of hellочертя голову (VLZ_58)
like a bat out of hellкак чёрт из табакерки (VLZ_58)
not bat an eyeоставаться бесстрастным (The reporter didn't bat an eyelash while reading the gruesome news. Slava)
not bat an eyeи бровью не повести (Mom didn't bat an eye when I told her I was getting married. • She can give a formal dinner for thirty without batting an eye. 4uzhoj)
not bat an eyelidне вызывать удивления (у кого-либо; вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную) Перевод выражением "и бровью не повести" не всегда уместен, например: Nobody batted an eyelid if people bought beer in the morning as it wasn't available in the evening. • When laptop computers first came out they were something of a novelty. These days, nobody bats an eyelid. 4uzhoj)
not bat an eyelidи бровью не повести (She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eyelid. 4uzhoj)
not bat an eyelidне обращать внимания (When laptop computers first came out they were something of a novelty. These days, nobody bats an eyelid. Interex)
not bat an eyelidи ухом не вести (Баян)
not bat an eyelidи ухом не повести (Баян)
not to bat an eyeи ухом не повести
not to bat an eyelidи глазом не моргнуть (juliab.copyright)
off someone's own batпо собственной инициативе (Off her own bat, she did some digging regarding our guest. thefreedictionary.com Queenny)
off the batбез промедления (VLZ_58)
off the batнезамедлительно (VLZ_58)
off the batтотчас же (VLZ_58)
off the batс бухты-барахты (VLZ_58)
off the batс места в карьер (VLZ_58)
off the batс налёта (george serebryakov)
off the batс самого начала (VLZ_58)
off the batнемедленно (VLZ_58)
off the batсразу же (markovka)
right off of the batс места в карьер
right off the batсразу же (The city outpacing its district neighbours in growth of single-family assessments may be related to council’s 2021 decision to rezone a swath of detached properties between St. Andrews and Ridgeway avenues from single-family to duplex, Rossetti said. “That, right off the bat, changes the game a little bit,” he said. “More density, prices go up.” -- Это сразу же всё изменило. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
straight off the batпервым делом (Artjaazz)