
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing BALL | all forms | exact matches only
a slime ballнеискренний человек (Commissioner)
a slime ballлицемер (Commissioner)
a slime ballскользкий тип (I don't know what she sees in him – he's such a slime ball! Commissioner)
a whole different ball gameсовсем по-другому (не так, как кто-либо привык: The summer holidays are a whole different ball game as a disabled parent. 4uzhoj)
a whole different ball gameсовсем другое (No, it's a whole different ball game. • I know you think you're some hotshot just because you worked in television once, but working on a film is a whole new ball game. • I used to race dirtbikes and ATVs quite often but sportbikes are a whole different ball game. 4uzhoj)
a whole new ball gameсовсем другое (I used to babysit, but having a child of my own is a new ballgame. 4uzhoj)
a whole new ball gameсовсем другое дело (It's one thing to babysit your friends' kids from time to time, but having your own children is a whole new ball game. Drozdova)
as though one saw it in a crystal ballкак в воду глядел (VLZ_58)
ball and chainтяжёлая ноша (VLZ_58)
ball and chainдражайшая половина (VLZ_58)
ball and chainзаконная половина (VLZ_58)
ball and chainхомут (VLZ_58)
ball and chainярмо (VLZ_58)
ball and chainиго (VLZ_58)
ball and chainтягота (VLZ_58)
ball and chainгнёт (VLZ_58)
ball and chainпуты (Sclex)
ball and chainоковы (Sclex)
ball and chainблаговерная (VLZ_58)
ball-breakerчрезмерно требователен (A person wich is excessively demanding Interex)
ball gameситуация (baletnica)
ball gameположение (baletnica)
ball gameсостояние
ball gameдело (в составе выражения "совсем другое дело": It's one thing to babysit your friends' kids from time to time, but having your own children is a whole new ball game. baletnica)
ball is in your courtтеперь ваша очередь (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ball of fireсгусток энергии (Sclex)
ball of yarnклубок ниток (Edict)
be someone's ball and chainсидеть на чьей-либо шее (VLZ_58)
be behind the eight ballоказаться в опасном положении (lol0chka)
be behind the eight ballоказаться в крайне затруднительном положении (lol0chka)
be on the ballпонимать ситуацию (на все сто Taras)
be on the ballразбираться в ситуации (выражение восходит к цирковому номеру, когда человек или животное балансируют на шаре. Раз вы стоит на шаре, не падая, значит, вы точно разбираетесь в ситуации Taras)
be on the ballбыть в полном внимании (Yeldar Azanbayev)
be very much on the ballей пальца в рот не клади
drop the ballоплошать (I think we dropped the ball on this. ART Vancouver)
drop the ballподкачать (to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for (Cambridge Dictionary): The entire time I was there, not once was anything cleaned — not by janitorial staff or by nursing staff. Given that this is Fraser Health, I can’t say I’m surprised by these conditions in the slightest, but someone is clearly dropping the ball when it comes to our emergency rooms. (Burnaby Now)  ART Vancouver)
drop the ballдать маху (As far as our foreign policy is concerned, we've dropped the ball ART Vancouver)
drop the ballподвести (кого-л. -- to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
get on the ballпоторапливаться (Taras)
get on the ballделать быстрее (что-либо Taras)
get on the ballшевелиться (Taras)
get on the ballпошевеливаться (We better get on the ball – Надо действовать проворнее Taras)
get on the ballне мешкать (Taras)
get the ball rollingприступать (VLZ_58)
get the ball rollingсдвинуть дело с мёртвой точки (CNN)
give the ballдать шанс (tavost)
have a ballоттягиваться (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a ballоттянуться (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have something on the ballей ума не занимать
have something on the ballесть голова на плечах (Andrey Truhachev)
have something on the ballу него голова на месте (Andrey Truhachev)
have something on the ballу него котелок варит (Andrey Truhachev)
have something on the ballу него голова варит (Andrey Truhachev)
hit the ball out of the parkиметь большой успех (IrinaZaytseva)
in the right ball-parkобоснованный (tavost)
it's a ballэто весело (agylshyn_oqy)
it's a different ball gameэто совсем другая история (Inchionette)
keep one's eye on the ballсфокусироваться на самом важном (mewl2007)
keep one's eye on the ballбыть начеку (Азери)
no ball of fireбыть инертным (Yeldar Azanbayev)
on the ballбыть в теме (Yeldar Azanbayev)
play ballдействовать сообща ("It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." "How much might it pay me?" I asked. "It might pay you in time and health." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play ballподыгрывать (Баян)
play ballподыграть (Rus_)
play ballработать сообща ("It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." "How much might it pay me?" I asked. "It might pay you in time and health." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play ballиграть по правилам (установленным: If you want to go camping and live like you want, there’s plenty of space in the bush. If you want to live in a community with easy access to goods and services, there are standards and expectations that must be respected. That’s the trade-off. A rules based society can’t function properly when groups of people simply decide they’re not going to play ball anymore. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
play ballвести дела по честному, без обмана ("It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." "How much might it pay me?" I asked. "It might pay you in time and health." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play ballдействовать согласно правилам (установленным: If you want to go camping and live like you want, there’s plenty of space in the bush. If you want to live in a community with easy access to goods and services, there are standards and expectations that must be respected. That’s the trade-off. A rules based society can’t function properly when groups of people simply decide they’re not going to play ball anymore. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
start the ball rollingначать действовать (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take a wrecking ball toнаносить ущерб (Pop culture has taken a wrecking ball to traditional femininity. Ballistic)
take a wrecking ball toразорять (Falling in love has taken a wrecking ball to his finances. Ballistic)
take a wrecking ball toзаткнуть за пояс (Miley Cyrus has taken a wrecking ball to her rivals after her number one hit was named the most sung song of the year by a karaoke website. Ballistic)
take a wrecking ball toсвести на нет (The recession has taken a wrecking ball to the growth and development gains of the world's poorest countries. Ballistic)
take a wrecking ball toразрушить (President Trump has taken a wrecking ball to environmental protection in the US. Ballistic)
take one's eye off the ballперестать концентрироваться на чём-то важном, требующем внимания (Taking your eye of the ball, even for a short space of time, is a recipe for disaster. Arnica Chamissonis)
take one's eye off the ballтерять внимание (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take the ball and run with itвзять инициативу в свои руки (jouris-t)
the ball is in your courtследующий шаг за вами (raf)
the ball is in your courtрешение за вами
the ball is in your courtтвоя очередь действовать
the ball is in your courtдело за вами (I. Havkin)
the ball is in your courtслово за вами (I. Havkin)
the ball is in your courtваш ход (masizonenko)
the ball is in your courtваша очередь (makhno)
the ball is in your courtтеперь слово за тобой
the ball is in your courtтеперь твоя очередь действовать
the ball is in your courtочередь за вами (makhno)
the ball is in your courtтеперь ваш черёд (raf)
throw a curve ballподставить ножку (ART Vancouver)
throw a curve ballвыкинуть фортель (to surprise someone with something that is difficult or unpleasant to deal with: "Mother Nature threw us a curve ball last night with record-breaking amounts of rain, which resulted in massive flooding throughout the region." ART Vancouver)
wear ball and chainнести (свой тяжкий) крест (бремя eugeene1979)
whole new ball gameабсолютно новая игра (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Wrecking Ballразрушительная сила (Shady)