
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Administrator | all forms | exact matches only
account administratorадминистратор учётной записи (Andy)
administrator audit logжурнал аудита действий администратора (An auditing record that records any action, based on a Windows PowerShell cmdlet, performed by an administrator. This can help the administrator troubleshoot configuration issues or identify the cause of security- or compliance-related problems)
Administrator Recovery reportотчёт о сделанных администратором восстановлениях
Administrator roleроль администратора
administrator role groupгруппа ролей администраторов (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
administrator role separationделегирование прав администратора (The ability to delegate local administrative permissions for a read-only domain controller (RODC) to any domain user without granting that user any user rights for the domain or other domain controllers)
Administrators groupгруппа "Администраторы" (On a local computer, a group whose members have the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
Antigen AdministratorАдминистрирование Antigen (The program used by an administrator to configure and run Antigen, either locally or remotely)
Application Administratorадминистратор приложений (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform both the Application Deployment Manager role and the Application Author role)
billing administratorадминистратор выставления счетов (A Microsoft Online Services administrator who can make purchases, manage subscriptions, manage support tickets, and monitor services health)
BizTalk BAS Administratorsадминистраторы BAS BizTalk (A security role for accessing the Business Activity Services (BAS) portal. Members of the Business Administrator role can perform all of the tasks that Business Managers can. Additionally, Business Administrators can connect and disconnect the BAS Web site to a BizTalk Server. Business Administrators can refresh the BAS Web site with data from the Trading Partners Management (TPM) database, and refresh the TPM database with data from the BAS Web site. Business Administrators can install and configure the BAS Web site)
built-in administratorвстроенная учётная запись администратора (ssn)
built-in administrator accountвстроенная учётная запись администратора (ssn)
BUILTIN\AdministratorsBUILTIN\Администраторы (User account (local administrators))
computer administratorадминистратор компьютера (The person in charge of managing a Windows computer. The administrator is responsible for installing software, assigning passwords, and managing files)
Configuration Manager Administrator consoleконсоль администратора диспетчера конфигурации
Configuration Manager Administrator consoleконсоль администратора Configuration Manager (The primary interface that you use to administer Configuration Manager)
contact your system administratorобратитесь к системному администратору (Andy)
dedicated administrator connectionвыделенное административное соединение (A dedicated connection that allows an administrator to connect to a server when the Database Engine will not respond to regular connections)
delegated administratorполномочный администратор (A partner (authorized by the Microsoft Partner Network) who has been granted administrative permissions by a Microsoft Online Services customer. The delegated administrator can access the customer's account in the Microsoft Online Services Administration Center and perform all the administrative tasks (add or delete users, reset passwords, etc) on behalf of the customer)
domain administratorадминистратор домена (A person who is a member of the Domain Admins group. Domain administrators can create, delete, and manage all objects that reside within the domain in which they are administrators. They can also assign and reset passwords and delegate administrative authority for network resources to other trusted users)
DPM Administrator Consoleконсоль администрирования DPM (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides access to the administrative functions of DPM. DPM Administrator Console allows administrators to configure data protection, perform data recovery operations, and monitor and report on these activities)
Exchange administratorадминистратор Exchange (The administrator account with privileges to administer Exchange services)
Exchange Organization Administrators roleроль "Администраторы организации Exchange" (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have full access to all Exchange properties and objects in the Exchange organization)
Exchange Recipient Administrators roleроль "Администраторы получателей Exchange" (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have permissions to modify any Exchange property on an Active Directory user, contact, group, dynamic distribution group, or public folder object)
Exchange Server Administrators roleроль "Администраторы сервера Exchange" (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have access to only local server Exchange configuration data, either in Active Directory or on the physical computer on which Active Directory is installed)
Exchange View-Only Administrators roleроль "Администраторы Exchange с правами на просмотр" (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have read-only access to the entire Exchange organization tree in the Active Directory configuration container, and read-only access to all Windows domain containers that have Exchange recipients)
Full Administratorполный администратор (A security role that grants all permissions in Configuration Manager to an administrative user)
global administratorглобальный администратор (The chief administrator of Microsoft Online Services for a customer. The global administrator appoints any subordinate administrative roles)
global administrator roleроль глобального администратора (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to configure settings on the entire PerformancePoint Server system and on all computers running PerformancePoint Server within the system)
Infrastructure Administratorадминистратор инфраструктуры (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform migration tasks and create, delete, and modify the Configuration Manager server infrastructure)
Live Meeting administratorадминистратор Live Meeting (A person who assigns user accounts and manages the Live Meeting service for an organization)
local administratorлокальный администратор (stachel)
local administrators groupлокальная группа администраторов (The group of users who have permission to perform administration tasks on the local server computer. The permissions for this group are set by using the administration tools for the operating system)
Lync Online administrator controlsэлементы управления для администраторов Lync Online (Provide Lync Online administrators with the ability to run Lync Online PowerShell cmdlets and assign role-based access control (RBAC) roles to other administrators in the organization)
maximum concurrent administratorsмаксимальное число работающих администраторов (ssn)
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 Administrator Consoleконсоль администрирования Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides access to the administrative functions of DPM. DPM Administrator Console allows administrators to configure data protection, perform data recovery operations, and monitor and report on these activities)
MOM Administrator Consoleконсоль администрирования MOM (A console based on Microsoft Management Console (MMC) technology, used for monitoring and event management. Can include the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Information Center, Operations, Management Packs, and Administration snap-ins)
network administratorадминистратор сети (A person responsible for planning, configuring, and managing the day-to-day operation of the network)
Operations Administratorадминистратор операций (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform all actions in Configuration Manager except for those that are required to manage security)
password administratorадминистратор паролей (A Microsoft Online Services administrator who resets passwords, manages support tickets, and monitors services health)
project administratorадминистратор проекта (An administrator allowed to make changes to work item tracking from the UI or the SDK)
protected administratorзащищённый администратор (An account in the Administrators group of Windows Vista. Users with this account type must consent to perform administrative activities)
protected administratorзащищённый администратор (An account in the Administrators group of Windows Vista. Users with this account type must consent to perform administrative activities. Rori)
Read-Only Administrator user roleроль пользователя "Администратор только для чтения" (A role that is used to limit users to only viewing status, job status, and properties of objects within their assigned host groups, private clouds, and library servers. A Read-Only Administrator cannot create new objects)
report server administratorадминистратор сервера отчётов (A user with elevated privileges who can access all settings and content of a report server. A report server administrator is a user who is assigned to the Content Manager role, the System Administrator role, or both. All local administrators are automatically report server administrators, but additional users can become report server administrators for all or part of the report server namespace)
security administratorадминистратор безопасности (An administrative user who has been granted the permissions to add, remove, and modify administrative users and their administrative assignments)
server administratorадминистратор сервера (A member of the Administrators group on the local server computer. Rori)
server farm administratorадминистратор фермы серверов (microsoft.com bojana)
service administratorадминистратор служб (The person responsible for setting up and managing a service)
site collection administratorадминистратор семейства веб-сайтов (A user who has administrative permissions for a site collection. Rori)
SMS Administrator consoleконсоль администрирования SMS (The primary interface that you use to administer SMS. The SMS Administrator console allows you to configure, run, and access SMS features and tools. Rori)
system administratorадминистратор
tenant administratorадминистратор клиента (A user account that has been assigned as an administrator for the tenant)
user administrator roleроль администратора пользователей (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to assign users to and remove users from any administrative PerformancePoint Server role within their scope (application or model site), with the exception of the global administrator role, add users to or remove users from user-created business roles within their scope (application or model-site), add users to or remove users from the PerformancePoint Server system. User Administrator members cannot create or delete business roles)
user management administratorадминистратор управления пользователями (A Microsoft Online Services administrator who manages user accounts, groups, and password resets, manages support tickets, and monitors services health)
Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Consoleконсоль администратора Virtual Machine Manager (The console that provides access to the administrative functions of Virtual Machine Manager)
Web site administratorадминистратор веб-сайта (The person responsible for setting up and managing a website)