
Terms for subject Religion containing τ | all forms | exact matches only
don't let my soul go to ruinне допусти до пагубы душу мою
Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doingПрости им, Отче, ибо они не ведают что творят (Val_Ships)
Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doingПрости им, Отче, ибо не ведают они что творят (Евангелие Val_Ships)
Hou T'uХоу-Ту (In Chinese mythology, the spirit of the earth, first worshiped in ИЗ ВС)
Li T'ieh-huaiЛи Те-гуай (One of the Eight Immortals of Taoism. In art he is depicted as an old man with an iron crutch, a gourd often slung over his shoulder or held in his hand)
Liu-Tsu t'an-ch'ingСутра Помоста шестого патриарха
Liu-Tsu t'an-ch'ing In Ch'an Buddhism, "Platform Scripture of the Sixth Patriarch" reading that all people possess the buddha-nature and that (one's) nature is originally pureСутра Хуэйнэна
p'an-t'aoпаньтао (In Chinese Taoist mythology, the peach of immortality)
P'u-t'oПью-то (One of the famous mountains in China that has become a sacred site for Buddhists; святая гора)
T'ai ChiТай-ци ("Great Ultimate", in Chinese philosophy, the eternal source and cause of all reality)
T'ienверховная сила
T'ien In indigenous Chinese religion, the supreme power reigning over lesser gods and menТянь
T'ien Ming In Chinese Confucian thought, the notion that heaven conferred directly upon an emperor, the Son of Heaven, the right to ruleТяньмин
T'u-tiТуди ("Place God", type of Chinese god whose deification and functions are determined by local residents)
Wu t'aiУ-тай (One of the famous mountains in China that has become a sacred site for Buddhists; священная гора)