
Terms for subject Biology containing yellow | all forms | exact matches only
albizzia yellow butterfly合欢黄粉蝶 (Terias hecabe L.)
annual yellow sweet clover印度草木犀野苜蓿,Melilotus indicus Desr.; Melilotus arvensis Wallr.,豆科
barley yellow leaf spot大麦黄叶斑点病 (Pyrenophora trichostoma (Fr.) Fuckel)
barley yellow leaf-miner fly大麦齿角黄潜蝇 (Cerodonta denticornis Panzer,黄潜蝇科)
barley yellow leafminer fly大麦齿角秆蝇 (Cerodontha denticornis Panzer,秆蝇科)
bean yellow mosaic virus菜豆黄色花叶病毒 (Phaseolus virus 2 (Smith); Bean virus 2 (Pierce))
beet yellow virus甜菜黄化病毒 (Corium batae (Holmes); Jaunisse virus (Ro land))
black-tipped yellow黑缘黄粉蝶 (Eurema laeta bethesba Janson,粉蝶科)
cabbage yellow甘蓝黄萎病 (Fusarium oxysporum Sch. ex Fr.; Fusarium conglutinans (Wollenw) Snyder et Hanson)
common yellow daylily黄花菜 (Hemerocallis flava L.,百合科)
common yellow swallow-tail butterfly黄凤蝶 (Papilio machaon Linnaeus,凤蝶科)
creeping yellow-cress林蔊菜黄蔊菜,Rorippa silvestris (L.) Bess.; Nasturtium silvestre R. Br.,十字花科
date palm yellow mite枣椰旁叶螨 (Paratetranychus afrasiaticus McGregor,叶螨科)
dilute yellow crotalaria响铃豆 (Crotalaria albida Heyne,豆科)
dwarf yellow daylily矮黄花菜小萱草,红萱,Hemerocallis minor Mill.,百合科
Florida yellow pine长叶松 (Pinus palustris Mill.,松科)
flute-holing yellow-headed borer咖啡黄头尾蛀甲 (Necnitocris princeps Jordan)
Georgia yellow pine美国长叶松 (Pinus palustris Mill.,松科)
greater yellow rattle大猪鼻花 (Rhinanthus major Ehrh.,玄参科)
greenish yellow-brown hawk moth豆天蛾 (Clanis bilineata Walker,天蛾科)
greyish yellow- hind winged noctuid桑绿毛夜蛾 (Triphaena semiherbida Walker,夜蛾科)
Indian yellow flax石海椒 (Reinwardtia trigyna (Roxb.) Planch.)
Indian yellow flax石海椒属 (Reinwardtia Dum.,亚麻科)
jacquin's yellow -flowered monkshood长叶文殊兰牙买加文殊兰,Crinum longifolium Thunb.,石蒜科
large yellow dragon-fly大黄蜻蜓 (Tramea virginia Rambur,蜻蜓科)
large yellow ladyslipper柔毛小花杓兰 (Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens,兰科)
large yellow underwing moth黄毛夜蛾大黄短翅蛾,Agrotis pronuba L.,夜蛾科
larger yellow ant大黄蚁 (Acanthomyops interjectus Mayr,蚁科)
late yellow daylily童氏萱草 (Hemerocallis thunbergii Baker,百合科)
lesser yellow rattle小猪鼻花 (Rhinanthus miner Ehrh.,玄参科)
long yellow daylily金针菜 (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni,百合科)
loranthus yellow butterfly桑寄生黄粉蝶 (Delias belisama Cramer; Thyca,粉蝶科)
mountain spotted yellow深山星黄粉蝶 (Colias palocnoaias Fruhstorfer.,粉蝶科)
mulberry yellow-tail moth桑褐斑毒蛾桑金毛虫,Porthesia xanthocampa Dyar,毒蛾科
oriental clouded yellow butterfly黄粉蝶 (Coliaserate poliographus Motsch.,粉蝶科)
peach yellows桃黄化病 (Prunus virus I K. M. Smith,病毒病害)
peach yellows virus桃黄化病毒 (Prunus virus 1 Smith; Peach virus 1 J. Johnson)
pear yellow aphid梨黄圆尾蚜 (Anuraphis piricola Okamoto et Takahashi,蚜科)
pine yellow-spotted weevil松长脂象甲 (Pissodes nitidus Roelofs,象甲科)
potato yellow dwarf virus马铃薯黄矮病毒 (Marmor vastans (Holmes); Aureogenus vastans (Holmes))
rice yellow dwarf disease稻黄矮病 (Mycoplasma sp.)
rust of yellow trefoil天兰锈病 (Uromyces striatus Schroet.)
Sakhalin fir yellow spotted weevil椴松黄星象甲 (Pissodes cembrae Motschulsky,象甲科)
shinyleaf yellow horn文冠果 (Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bge.,无患子科)
shrub yellow-root黄根木 (Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marsh.)
shrub yellow-root黄根木属 (Xanthorhiza Marsh,毛萇科)
six-yellow-spotted leaf beetle六黄星萤叶甲 (Galerucida lewisi Jacoby.,叶甲科)
small yellow daylily矮黄花菜小萱草,红萱,Hemerocallis minor Mill.,百合科
small yellow-hindwinged catocala小黄后勋授夜蛾 (Catocala agitatrix Graeser,夜蛾科)
smaller yellow ant小黄蚁 (Acanthomypos claviger (Roger),蚁科)
spotted yellow tussock moth具斑黄毒蛾 (Euproctis flaiva (Bremer),毒蛾科)
strawberry yellow edge草莓黄边病 (Fragaria virus 1)
strawberry yellow edge virus草莓黄边病 (Fragaria virus 1)
tall yellow day-lily黄花萱草 (Hemerocallis flava L.,百合科)
top yellows of pea豌豆萎蔫病 (Fasarium pisi)
turnip yellow mosaic virus芜菁黄色花叶病毒 (Brassicavirus octahedron (Roland))
western yellow striped armyworm西部黄条黏虫 (Prodenia praefica (Grote.),夜蛾科)
Wilson yellow wood香槐 (Cladrastis wilsonii Takeda)
Wilson yellow wood香槐属 (Cladrastis Raf.,豆科)
yellow aizoon saxifrage黄虎耳草 (Saxifraga aizoon var. lutea Hort.,虎耳草科)
yellow alfalfa黄花苜蓿野苜蓿,Medicago falcata L.,豆科
yellow alstroemeria黄六出花 (Alstroemeria aurantiaca D. Don.,石蒜科)
yellow ball cactus黄雪光 (Notocactus graesneri sp.,仙人掌科)
yellow bamboo金黄竹人面竹,Phyllostachys aurea Carr. ex C. Riviere,禾本科
yellow-barkedoak美洲黑栋 (Quercus velutina,山毛榉科)
yellow bean mosaic virus蚕豆黄色花叶病 (Phaseolus virus 2)
yellow bedstraw蓬子菜 (Galium verum L.,茜草科)
yellow berry云莓 (Rubus chamaemorus L.,蔷薇科)
yellow boletus黄皮牛肝菌 (Boletus luteus (L.) Fr.,牛肝菌科)
yellow bract pachystachys金苞花 (Pachystachys lutea sp.,爵床科)
yellow brown stink-bug茶翅蝽 (Halyomorpha picus Fabricius,蝽科)
yellow brown sweet potato beetle甘薯腊龟甲 (Laccoptera quadrimaculata bohemani Weise,龟甲科)
yellow buckeye黄花七叶树 (Aesculus octandra Marsh.,七叶树科)
yellow bumblebee黄熊蜂 (Bombus distinguendus Linnaeus,熊蜂科)
yellow bunny ears黄毛掌 (Opuntia microdasys Pteiffer.,仙人掌科)
yellow butterfly黄粉蝶 (Eurema hecabe Linnaeus,粉蝶科)
yellow butterfly palm散尾葵 (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens H. Wendl.,棕榈科)
yellow cabbage sawfly甘蓝黄叶蜂 (Athalia lugens var. tibialis Cam.,叶蜂科)
yellow camomile春黄菊 (Anthemis tinctoria L.,菊科)
yellow cedar黄扁柏加拿大扁柏,努特卡扁柏,Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Spach.,柏科
yellow centaury黄胆属 (Blakstonia Huds.; Chlor a L.,龙胆科)
yellow chamomile春黄菊 (Anthemis tinctoria L.,菊科)
yellow Chinese poppy绿绒蒿金绿绿绒蒿,Meconopsis integrifolia (Maxim.) Fr.
yellow Chinese poppy绿绒蒿属 (Meconopsis Vig.,罂粟科)
yellow citrus ant黄惊蚁养柑蚁,Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius),蚁科
yellow citrus ant养柑蚁黄惊蚁,Oecophyla smaragdina Fabricius,蚁科
yellow cleome黄醉蝶花 (Cleome lutea Hook.,白花菜科)
yellow clover天蓝 (Medicago lupulina L.,豆科)
yellow clover aphid三叶草采斑蚜 (Therioaphis trifolii (Monell))
yellow columbine黄花耧斗菜 (Aquilegia chrysantha Gray,毛莨科)
yellow cone plant肉锥花 (Conophytam auriflorum sp.)
yellow cone plant肉锥花属 (Conophytam spp.,番杏科)
yellow corydalis黄堇 (Corydalis lutea DC.,荷包牡丹科)
yellow cosmos黄秋菊黄花波斯菊,硫黄菊,Cosmos sulphureus Cav.,菊科
yellow cotton moth黄棉花夜蛾棉小造桥虫,Anomis xanthydima Boisduval; Anomis flava (Fabricius),夜蛾科
yellow crepis黄花还阳参 (Crepis aurea sp.,菊科)
yellow cutworm黄地老虎 (Agrotis segetum Schiffermüller,夜蛾科)
yellow cyperus碎米莎草 (Cyperus iria L.,莎草科)
yellow cyrtanthus黄曲花 (Cyrtanthus ochroleucus Burch.,爵床科)
yellow disease of hyacinth风信子黄枯病 (Xanthomonas hycinthi (Wakk.) Dowson)
yellow dock皱叶酸模 (Rumex crispus L.,蓼科)
yellow double banksian重瓣黄木香 (Rosa banksiae var. lutea Lindl.,蔷薇科)
yellow dwarf of onion葱及洋葱黄矮病 (Allium virus 1)
yellow dwarf of soybean大豆黄萎病大豆线虫病,Heterodera glycines lchinohe
yellow elder黄钟花 (Tecoma stans Juss.)
yellow elder黄钟花属 (Tecoma Juss.,紫葳科科)
yellow elm leaf-beetle榆黄叶甲 (Galerucella maculicollis Matschusky,叶甲科)
yellow European lady-slipper柔毛欧洲杓兰 (Cypripedium calceolus var. pubescens Corre,兰科)
yellow-eyegrass黄眼草 (Xyris indica L.)
yellow-eyegrass黄眼草属 (Xyris L.,黄眼草科)
yellow-eyegrass family黄眼草科 (Xyridaceae)
yellow-fever mosquito埃及伊蚊 (Aedes aegypti (L.),伊蚊科)
yellow fever mosquito埃及伊蚊 (Aedes aegypti L.,伊蚊科)
yellow field cress黄蔊菜 (Roripa sylvestris Bess.,十字花科)
yellow flag黄菖蒲 (Iris pseudocorus L.,鸢尾科)
yellow flax石海椒 (Reinwardtia trigyna Roxb.)
yellow flax石海椒属 (Reinwardtia Dumort.,亚麻科)
yellow-flower incavillea黄花角蒿 (Incarvillea lutea Bur. et Franch.,紫葳科)
yellow-flower sisymbrium黄花大蒜芥香花草,Hesperis lutea Maxim.,十字花科
yellow-flowered gourd金瓜观赏南瓜,Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera Alef.,葫芦科
yellow-flowered meadow-rue黄唐松草 (Thalictrum flavum L.,毛莨科)
yellow-flowering开黄花的 (flaviflorus; anthoxantheus)
yellow foxglove黄花毛地黄 (Digitalis grandiflora Mill.,玄参科)
yellow foxtail金狗尾草粉绿狗尾草,Setaria glauca Beauv.; Panicum lutescens Weigel.,禾本科
yellow fringe orchid丝瓣玉凤花黄玉凤花,Habenaria ciliaris R.Br.,兰科
yellow fritillary黄花贝母 (Fritillaria pudica Spreng.,百合科)
yellow galium蓬子菜 (Galium verum L.,茜草科)
yellow gentian黄龙胆 (Gentiana lutea L.,龙胆科)
yellow goats-beard草甸波罗门参 (Tragopogon pratensis L.,菊科)
yellow-granadilla樟叶西番莲 (Passiflora laurifolia Lill.,西番莲科)
yellow granadilla樟叶西番莲 (Passiflora laurifolia Lill.,西番莲科)
yellow-green agave黄绿龙舌兰 (Agave americana var. varigata Hort.,龙舌兰科)
yellow-green century plant agave黄绿龙舌兰 (Agave americana var. varigata Hort.,龙舌兰科)
yellow-hairy actinidia黄毛猕猴桃 (Actinidia fulvicoma Hance,猕猴桃科)
yellow-headed cutworm黄头[秀]夜蛾 (Apamea amputatrix Fitch.,夜蛾科)
yellow-headed fireworm黄头卷蛾 (Acleris minuta (Robinson),卷蛾科)
yellow-headed leafhopper黄头叶蝉 (Carneocephala flaviceps (Riley),叶蝉科)
yellow headed moth borer甘蔗螟 (Diatraea centrella Möschler,螟蛾科)
yellow honeysuckle黄金银花 (Lonicera flava Sims.,忍冬科)
yellow-horn文冠果 (Xanthocera sorbifolia Bunge)
yellow-horn文冠果属 (Xanthocera Bunge,无患子科)
yellow hornpoppy黄花海罂粟 (Glaucium flavum Grantz,罂粟科)
yellow Indian-grass黄印度草黄假高粱,Sorghastrum nutans L.,禾本科
yellow iris黄菖蒲 (Iris pseudocorus L.,鸢尾科)
yellow-jacket中华大胡蜂 (Macrovespa mandarina Smith,胡蜂科)
yellow jacket,hornets and potter wasps胡蜂科 (Vespidae)
yellow jackets胡蜂科 (复, Vespidae)
yellow Japanese scale橘黄圆蚧 (Aonidiella citrinus Coq.,盾蚧科)
yellow kangaroo-paw黄鼠爪花 (Anigozanthus viridis sp.,血草科 Haemodoraceae)
yellow-legged lema粟负泥虫 (Lema tristis Herbst.,叶甲科)
yellow lily-of-the-incas六出花属 (Alstroemeria L.,石蒜科)
yellow lily-of-the-incas六出花 (Alstroemeria aurantiaca D. Don)
yellow locust异黑蝗 (Melanoplus differentialis (Thomas),蝗科)
yellow locust洋槐刺槐,Robinia pseudoacacia L.,豆科
yellow locust殊种蜢 (Melanoplus differentialis (Thomas),蝗科)
yellow loosestrife黄莲花 (Lysimachia vulgaris L.,报春科)
yellow lupine黄羽扇豆 (Lupinus luteus L.,豆科)
yellow-margined leaf beetle黄边叶甲黄缘叶甲,Microtheca ochroloma Stál,叶甲科
yellow marguerite春黄菊 (Anthemis tinctoria L.,菊科)
yellow-marked blue leaf beetle黄星蓝铁甲 (Dactylispa angulosa Solsky,铁甲科)
yellow mealworm大黄粉虫 (Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus,拟步甲科)
yellow mignonette黄木犀草 (Reseda lutea L.,木犀草科)
yellow mite茶半跌线螨 (Hemitarsomus latus Banks,跌线螨科)
yellow mite茶半跗线螨 (Hemitarsomus latus Banks,附线螨科)
yellow mombin猪李 (Spondias mombin axillaris Burbt et Flill,漆树科)
yellow moraea黄肖鸢尾黄摩利兰,Moraea bicolor Spae,鸢尾科
yellow mosaic of barley大麦黄色花叶病大麦黄矮病,Barley yellow mosaic virus,病毒病害
yellow mosaic of bean菜豆黄色花叶病 (Phaseolus virus 2)
yellow mosaic of wheat小麦黄色花叶病 (Wheat yellow mosaic virus,病毒病害)
yellow mulberry longicorn桑黄天牛 (Oberea fuscipennis Chevrolat,天牛科)
yellow muscardine黄僵病 (Isaria farinosa)
yellow-necked caterpillar苹黄颈舟蛾 (Datana ministra Drury,舟蛾科)
yellow nutsedge黄莎草 (Cyperus esculentus L.,莎草科)
yellow oak黄栋 (Quercus velutina Lam.,山毛榉科)
yellow oat-grass草原三毛草 (Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. B.,禾本科)
yellow oleander黄花夹竹桃 (Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.)
yellow oleander黄花夹竹桃属 (Thevetia Adans.,夹竹桃科)
yellow ox-eye daisy金银菊珍珠菊,Chrysanthemum segtum L.,菊科
yellow oxeye-daisy珍珠菊金银菊,Chrysanthemum segetum L.,菊科
yellow partilla美国蝙蝠藤 (Menispermum canadense L.,防己科)
yellow-patched swallowtail橘纵带黄纹凤蝶 (Papilio helenus nicconicoleus Butler,凤蝶科)
yellow pholita黄鳞伞 (Pholita Flammans Quel.,伞菌科)
yellow plant bug黄盲蝽 (Tygus kalmi Linne,盲蝽科)
yellow pond-lily萍蓬草 (Nuphar pumilum (Hoffm.)DC.)
yellow pond-lily萍蓬草属 (Nuphar Sm.,睡莲科)
yellow poplar美国鹅掌楸百合木,Liriodendron tulipifera L.,木兰科
yellow puccoon白毛莨 (Hydrastis eanadensis L.,毛莨科)
yellow pygmy waterlily黄睡莲 (Nymphaea tetragona var. helvola Hort.,睡莲科)
yellow rape[黄种]油菜 (Brassica campestris L.,十字花科)
yellow raspberry cap黄刺泡栽秧泡,Rubus elliptica Smith,蔷薇科
yellow rice borer三化螟 (Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker); Tryporyza,螟蛾科)
yellow rice bug稻黄蝽 (Euryaspis flavescens Distant,蝽科)
yellow rice leaf miner稻潜蝇 (Oscinis oryzella (Matsumura),黄潜蝇科)
yellow rocket山芥 (Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.,十字花科)
yellow root黄根属 (Xanthorrhiza L'Herit.; Zanthorrhiza Marsh.,毛莨科)
yellow rose aphid蔷薇黄蚜无网长管蚜,Acyrthosiphon porosum Sanderson,蚜科
yellow rust of cereals麦类条锈病 (Puccinia striiformis West.)
yellow rust of wheat小麦条锈病 (Puccinia striiformis West.)
yellow sage马缨丹 (Lantana camara L.)
yellow sage广叶美人樱加拿大美人樱,Verbena canadensis Britt.,马鞭草科
yellow sage马缨丹属 (Lantana L.,马鞭草科)
yellow sandalwood檀香 (Santalum album L.,豆科)
yellow scale黄圆蚧 (Chrysomphalus aurantii var. citrinus (Coq.); Aonidiella citrina (Coq.); Aspidiotus citrinus Coq.,盾蚧科)
yellow seven-spotted lady beetle黄七星瓢虫 (Coccinella septempunctata bruckii Milsant,瓢虫科)
yellow-shoulder bug黄肩蝽 (Nezara viridula torquata Fabricius,蝽科)
yellow skunk-cabbage观音莲 (Lysichiton kamtschatense Schott.)
yellow spider mite鹅耳枥东方叶螨 (Eotetranychus carpini borealis (Ewing),叶螨科)
yellow spider-flower黄醉蝶花 (Cleome lutea Hook.,白花菜科)
yellow-spined bamboo locust黄脊竹蝗 (Ceracris kiangsu Tsai,蝗科)
yellow spines haageocereus金煌柱 (Haageocereus acranthus sp.)
yellow spines haageocereus金煌柱属 (Haageocereus spp.,仙人掌科)
yellow-spotted longicorn beetle桑黄星天牛 (Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe),天牛科)
yellow-spotted small noctuid甘薯绮夜蛾 (Erastria trabealis (Scopoli),夜蛾科)
yellow-striped armyworm黄条黏虫 (Spodoptera ornithogalli (Guenee),夜蛾科)
yellow stunt of oats燕麦黄矮病 (Avena virus 1)
yellow sugarcane aphid蔗黄伪毛蚜 (Sipha flava (Forbes),蚜科)
yellow swallowtail butterfly黄凤蝶 (Papilio machaon Linnaeus,凤蝶科)
yellow sweet clover黄香草木犀香草木犀,Melilotus officinalis(L.) Desr.; Melilotus arvensis Wallr.,豆科
yellow sweetclover黄香草木犀 (Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall.,豆科)
yellow-tail黄条# (Sriola aureovittata Temminck et Schlegel)
yellow tail moth棕尾毒蛾 (Nygmia phaeorrhoea Donov.,毒蛾科)
yellow thorax termite黄胸散白蚁 (Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar),白蚁科)
yellow tip ped pyralid蔗白螟 (Scirpophaga nivella Fabricius; Scirpophaga auriflua Zeller,螟蛾科)
yellow-tipped bug黄端蝽 (Hygia opaca Uhler,蝽科)
yellow-tipped lema黄端负泥虫 (Lema lewisi Baly,叶甲科)
yellow-tipped melyrid黄端 花萤 (Malachius xantholoma Kirsenwetter)
yellow-tipped prominent栋黄斑舟蛾 (Phalera assimilis (Bremer et Gray),舟蛾科)
yellow-tipped pyralid蔗白螟橙尾白禾螟,Scirpophaga nivella Fabricius,螟蛾科
yellow-tipped white黄襟粉蝶 (Euchlora scolymus Butler,粉蝶科)
yellow toadflax穿柳鱼 (Linaria vulgaris Mill.)
yellow toadflax穿柳鱼属 (Linaria Mill.,玄参科)
yellow toadflax柳穿鱼 (Linaria vulgaris Mill.,玄参科)
yellow toadlily黄油点草 (Tricyrtis nana Yatabe.,百合科)
yellow trefoil天蓝 (Medicago lupulina L.,豆科)
yellow trumpet黄钟花 (Tecoma stans Juss.)
yellow trumpet黄钟花属紫葳属,Tecoma Juss.,紫葳科
yellow unicorn-plant单角胡麻 (Ibicella lutea Van Eseltine,角胡麻科)
yellow vetchling牧地香豌豆 (Lathyrus pratensis L.,豆科)
yellow water lily萍蓬草 (Nuphar pumilum (Hoffm.) DC.,睡莲科)
yellow wheat blossom midge麦黄吸浆虫 (Contarinia tritici Kirby,瘿蚊科)
yellow woods黄香槐 (Cladrastis lutea Michx.,豆科)
yellow wood-wasp黄树蜂 (Sirex gigas,树蜂科)
yellow woollybear黄灯蛾 (Diacrisia virginica (Fabricius),灯蛾科)
yellow wort黄胆属 (Blakstonia Huds.; Chlor a L.,龙胆科)
yellows of garden radish萝卜萎蔫病 (Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl)