
Terms containing write -off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.allow for write-offs in the yearly account允许在年度账内冲销
fin.bad debt write-off坏账冲销
busin.bad debt write-offs坏账冲销
fin.bad debts write-offs销去坏帐 (written off)
fin.bad debts write-offs呆帐注销 (written off)
econ.capital construction expenditure pending write-off upon approval待核销基建支出
fin.credit write-offs信贷冲销
busin.current write off method当期转销法
fin.direct write off method直接冲销法
proj.manag.direct write-off直接销账
tech.direct write-off method直接冲销法
securit.direct write-off method直线注销法
fin.direct write-off method for bad debts坏账直接注销法
busin.direct write-off method for bad debts坏账直接冲销法
econ.direct write-off method for uncollectible呆账直接销账法
busin.direct write-off method for uncollectible呆账直接冲销法
fin.direct write-off method for uncollectibles坏账直接注销法
fin.direct write-off method for uncollectibles呆帐直接销帐法
tech.direct write-off of bad debt坏账直接冲销
securit.extraordinary write-offs非常注销
securit.extraordinary write-offs巨额注销
IMF.immediate write-off成本当期冲销
fin.indirect write-off method for bad debts坏账间接转销法
fin.indirect write-off method for uncollectibles坏账间接转销法
busin.loan write-off注销贷款
fin.lump-sum write off intangible无形资产全额一次冲销
econ.other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他支出
busin.other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他费用
fin.partner with debit balance after loss realization and write-off of another partner's debit balance合伙人资本负担变现损失及其他合伙人借差不能补缴损失后变为借差
fin.periodic write-off定期注销
fin.periodic write-off定期注销数
busin.periodic write-offs定期销账
busin.periodic write-offs定期转销数
busin.periodic write-offs定期注销数
econ.premature tax write-off过早的税收冲销
busin.premature tax write-off过早税收冲销
textilerapid tax write-off税款快速冲销
manag.rapid write-off快速冲销
securit.rapid write-off initial investment仓业投资的快速冲销
busin.rapid write-off of initial investment创业投资的快速冲销
busin.recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回坏账
busin.recovery of uncollectible account write-off坏账收回
econ.recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回已注销的坏账
securit.recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回已冲销坏账
busin.specific write-off method特定注销法
fin.subprime write-off次贷冲销
econ.tax write-off税金的减免
tech.tax write-off for all the expenditures纳税时各项费用的冲销
econ.the premature tax write-off过早的税收冲销
econ.the write-off of intangibles无形资产价值的销除
econ.verify and write off circulating核销流动资金
securit.write off取销
tech.write off删除账面值
securit.write off勾销
econ.write off写信寄出
textilewrite off冲销
fin.write off销帐
fin.write off注销
proj.manag.write off撇账
IMF.write off an asset冲销
IMF.write off an asset注销
IMF.write off an asset注销坏
exhib.write off取消
oilwrite off销账
econ.write off一气写成
econ.write off取〔勾,注〕消
econ.write off削减
econ.write off资产注销
econ.write off迅速记述
econ.write off划掉
econ.write off抹去
securit.write off销记
busin.write off a bad debt注销坏账
fin.write off a bad debt注销一笔坏帐
econ.write off a bad debt注销一笔账
busin.write off a bad debt注销一笔坏账
busin.write off allowance account销记坏账
tech.write off an entry抹去账项
securit.write off and exempt the circulating fund核销流动资金
securit.write off and exempt the circulating fund冲销流动资金
tech.write off and exempt the circulating funds核销流动资金
securit.write off bad debts注销坏账
IMF.write off debt债务注销
econ.write off expenditures by installment摊提 费用
tech.write off method冲销法
securit.write off of intangibles无形资产价值的注销
busin.write off quantity报废量
busin.write off uncollectable accounts冲销坏账
busin.write off uncollectables冲销坏账
econ.write off uncollectible account冲销坏账
tech.write off un-collectible account冲销坏账
tech.write off un-collectible account冲去坏账
securit.write off uncollectible account核销坏账
econ.write off uncollectibles销除收不回的账目
fin.write off uncollectibles注销不能收回的帐目
busin.write off uncollectibles注销无法收回的账目
fin.write-down or write-off of intangible无形资产价值减记或销帐
busin.write-down or write-off of intangible无形资产价值的减记或销账
environ.write-off Accounting procedure that is used when an asset is uncollectible and is therefore charged-off as a loss注销 (当资产无法收回而作为亏损销账时使用的会计程序。)
textilewrite-off allowance account销坏账
IMF.write-off amount注销金额
textilewrite-off bad debts注销呆账
textilewrite-off bad debts注销坏账
textilewrite-off method冲销法
econ.write-off period注销期
econ.write-off quantity得到补偿的最低生产量
IMF.write-off value注销金额
securit.write-offs allowance account借记备抵账
securit.write-offs allowance account销记坏账
UN, econ.write-offs of their Paris Club debts巴黎俱乐部债务的进一步免除