
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing worm | all forms | exact matches only
bladder worm囊虫分为牛囊虫 (beef bladder worm)、猪囊虫 (pork bladder worm)等
body sheath of the worm蛹衬
bowel worm of sheep绵羊夏柏特线虫 (Chabertia ovina)
eye worm of cattle牛眼虫 (Thelazia rhodesii)
eye worm of horses马眼虫 (Thelazialacrymalis)
eye worm of poultry禽眼虫 (Oxyspirura mansoni)
fecal worm egg counts粪便虫卵计数
frames for knitting grown worm壮蚕网架
gastrointestinal worm胃肠蠕虫
kidney worm有齿冠尾线虫 (Stephanurus dentatus)
large-mouth bowel worm绵羊夏柏特线虫 (Oesophagostomum venulosum)
large-mouth bowel worm微管食道口线虫
maize army worm玉米黏虫 (laphygma exempta)
minut stomach worm小型胃线虫毛圆线虫
nodule worm食道口线虫
nodule worm结节虫
perny silk worm柞蚕 (Antheraea pernyi Gerin-Meneville)
pork worm旋毛虫
screw worm螺旋蛆病; 肉蝇,舔人螺旋蝇 (Cochliomyia hominivorax, Callitroga americanum)的幼虫
Shangtung silk worm柞蚕 (Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville)
small intestinal worm古柏线虫 (Cooperia)
stomach worm捻转胃虫 (Hemonchus contortus)
straw worm广肩小蜂幼虫
tape worm绦虫 (Taenia)
thin-necked intestinal worm细颈属 (Nematodirus)
thin-necked intestinal worm细颈肠虫
thread worm线虫
tussah worm柞蚕 (Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville)
worm burden体内蠕虫数
worm burden虫量
worm disease肠虫病
worm-eating warbler食虫莺 (Helmitheros vermivorus)
worm feed螺杆喂送器
worm land瘠地
worm land荒废地
worm press螺旋压榨机