
Terms containing witness | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a false witness假见证
econ.a living witness人证
econ.a side witness旁证
busin.admissible witness可接纳的证人
interntl.trade.adverse witness存敌意的见证
tech.adverse witness对方证人
busin.attesting witness合同见证人
securit.attesting witness见证人
tech.attesting witness契约见证人
securit.attesting witness作证人
gen.be a witness toM 证明了 M
gen.be a witness toM 是 M 的目击者
China, lawbear false witness作伪证
tech.bear witness作证
gen.bear witness ofM 作为 M 的证人
gen.bear witness ofM 证明 M
gen.bear witness toM 作为 M 的证人
patents.bear witness to证明
gen.bear witness toM 证明 M
tech.bearing tree witness方位树
interntl.trade.call to witness召人作证
tech.centre line witness mark中线参考标志
econ.challenge witness回避证人
proj.manag.client witness业主现场代表
busin.commission to examine witnesses查证委托书
shipb.competent witness有资格的见证人
tech.contract witness合同见证人
China, lawentice the witness into changing the testimony引诱证人改变证言
tech.expert witness鉴定员
qual.cont.expert witness鉴定证人
tech.expert witness专家证人
tech.expert witness鉴定人
plast.surg.expert witness司法证据
China, lawexpert witness of an insured accident保险事故的鉴定人
China, lawextort testimony from a witness by violence逼取证人证言
cryptogr.extract witness提取证据
busin.eye witness目击者
busin.eye witness见证人
busin.false witness假证
busin.false witness伪证
interntl.trade.false witness假见证
busin.false witness作伪证
securit.false witness伪证、假证人
comp., MSfile share witness檔案共用見證 (A new type of Majority Node Set (MNS) quorum in Windows Server 2003. In Exchange Server 2007, cluster continuous replication (CCR) uses the MNS quorum with file share witness instead of the traditional voter node)
China, lawforce others to bear false witness胁迫他人作伪证
gen.give witness on behalf替 M 作证
econ.He is the witness supplied by Party A他是甲方提供的一名证人
econ.He was innocent by the witness's testimony根据目击者的证词,他是无罪的
China, lawhear witnesses听取证词
econ.Heavy orders witness the high quality of our goods大量的订单证明我方货物质量优良
gen.history is the most telling witness历史是最好的见证
tech.hostile witness恶意证人
econ.In order to witness the inspection of quality and quantity of goods before shipment, you may appoint your own inspector为了在装运前给货物的质量及数量的检验作证,你方可指派自己的检査员
interntl.trade.in witness证明
gen.stand in witness ofM 作为 M 的证据
interntl.trade.in witness whereof以资证明
econ.in witness whereof特此证明
busin.incompetent witness无资格证人
tech.incompetent witness无资格的证人
China, lawinstigating, bribing or forcing another person to bear false witness指使、贿买、胁迫他人作伪证
China, lawinsure the safety of witness保障证人安全
busin.interested witness偏心证人
China, lawinterfere with the witness when the latter gives testimony干扰证人作证
econ.intermediate witness凭其他证据而作证的证人
econ.key witness关键证人
busin.living witness人证
gen.ocular witness见证人
gen.ocular witness目击者
busin.perjured witness作伪证者
nautic., tech.presence of a witness出庭作证
China, lawprevent witnesses from testifying in court阻止证人作证
met.primary witness mark【连】 初始连系痕 (【技】在水平连铸的一个间歇拉坯周期中,分离环上凝固的坯壳与下一拉程新注人熔体连接处形成的拉程冷隔即为初始连系痕。)
proj.manag.professional witness专业证人
China, lawquestion a witness询问证人
tech.reliable witness可靠证人
China, lawretaliate against a witness对证人进行打击报复
China, lawsafety of witness证人安全
met.secondary witness mark二次连系痕 (【技】在水平连铸的一个拉坯周期内,起始于已凝固坯壳的上游凝固前沿和起始于分离环的下游凝固前沿汇合处形成的印痕。)
tech.side witness旁证
nautic., tech.site witness现场见证
busin.speaking witness雄辩的证明
gen.stand witness ofM 作为 M 的证人
gen.stand witness ofM 证明 M
gen.stand witness toM 作为 M 的证人
gen.stand witness toM 证明 M
econ.subpoena a witness传唤证人出庭
busin.subscribing witness签署见证人
tech.subscribing witness保证者
tech.subscribing witness证人
China, lawtestimony of a witness人证
econ., int. law.testimony of witness人证
nautic., tech.testimony of witness证人证言
China, lawtestimony of witnesses证人证言
expl.The lawyer was primed by a witness at court yesterday昨天证人在法庭上向律师提供详细信息
commer.The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量
econ.the testimony of witness人证
econ.The witness deposed to the fact that I have paid in advance for the goods证人宣誓证明我确实预付了货款
China, lawthreaten witness威胁证人
fin.voting witness股票见证人
gen.with a witness正是
gen.with a witness无疑地
gen.with a witness确实
commer.witness a document在文件上连署
econ.witness a signature为签名作证
proj.manag.witness an agreement在协议上签署作证
econ.witness an agreement为合约作证
tech.witness angle参考角
busin.witness assembly组装鉴定
construct.witness corner联系角
tech.witness corner测量中的联系角
tech.witness corner参考角
tech.witness corner土地测量联测点
tech.witness corner联测点
hydroel.st.witness corner测量参考角
tech.witness corner地界角标
interntl.trade.witness for the defense被告方面证人
interntl.trade.witness for the prosecution公诉人方面证人
China, lawwitness gives testimony证人作证
cryptogr.witness hiding证据隐藏
cryptogr.witness indistinguishability证据不可区分性
tech.witness inspection见证检查
auto.witness line活塞环珩磨带
tech.witness line证示线
tech.witness mark验证记号
el.witness mark见证点
tech.witness mark联测点
met.witness mark连接点
met.witness mark连系痕 (水平连铸的)
hydroel.st.witness mark测量参考
auto.witness mark对正记号解体前在配合零件适当位置画的标记
tech.witness mark测量参考 (点)
tech.witness mark参考点
tech.witness mark测量中的参证点
tech.witness mark联系点
oilwitness marker定位标志
oilwitness marker参考标志
China, lawwitness of a will遗嘱见证人
el.witness on board船上见证人
spacewitness plate验证板
spacewitness plate取样板
mater.sc.witness point测量参考点
oilwitness point见证点
oilwitness point引证点
tech.witness point参考点
geol., econ.witness point检验【验证】点
oilwitness post参考桩
tech.witness post参考桩【测】
tech.witness sample核査用试样
oilwitness sample核查用试样
tech.witness sample检验样板
tech.witness sample检验样品
tech.witness stake参考桩【测】
commer.witness test订货在场试验
tech.witness test法人在场作证的试验
el.mach.witness test见证试验
busin.witness test目视检验
tech.witness test订货人在场的试验
tech.witness test目击试验
busin.witness testimony证人证言
commer.witness to a fact为事实作证
econ.witness whereof为证明上述各节
econ., int. law.witness whereof为此
econ., int. law.witness whereof为证明上述以上各节
China, lawwitnesses on the spot在场见证人