
Terms for subject Economy containing withdrawal | all forms | exact matches only
a voluntary withdrawal自动撤销
a withdrawal instruction提款凭单
a withdrawal ticket提款单
cash withdrawal现金提取
excess withdrawal over issue已发行纸币的超额回笼
gratuitous withdrawal of contract无故撤销合同
net withdrawal钞票回笼净额
portfolio withdrawal未满期业务转移
profit withdrawal利润提款
the age at withdrawal退休年龄
The rights and obligations of the remaining parties will not be affected by the withdrawal of a certain party from this agreement其余各方的权利和义务并不因某一方撤回本协议而受到影响
the royalty on withdrawal岀油产地使用费
the savings withdrawal ration储蓄支取率
the voluntary withdrawal自动撤销
the withdrawal from the treaty退出条约
the withdrawal of assets提取资产
We have to consider the gradual withdrawal from the market我方不得不考虑逐步退出该市场
withdrawal application提款申请
withdrawal of currency货币回笼
withdrawal of experts撤退专家
withdrawal of motion撤回动议
withdrawal of offer撤回发盘
withdrawal of offer撤回报价
withdrawal of proposal撤回提案
withdrawal of recognition撤回承认
withdrawal of reserve funds撤回储备金
withdrawal plan退股方案
withdrawal type退让反映方式