
Terms for subject Project management containing with this | all forms
Because this feature complies fully 'with the NNTP protocol, users can use any newsreader client to participate in newsgroup discussions由于此功能完全遵守 NNTP 协议、因此用户可以使用任何新闻阅读器客户端来参与新闻组讨论
Do not initialize the name field for this project or item with a valid name不用有效的名称初始化此项目或项的名称字段
However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了
Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率
This scope facilitates connections with all contacts in the Contact Manager此范围有利于与联系人管理器中的所有联系人建立连接
With a built-in fax modem, this machine can handle most of my communication tasks这部机子有一个内装的传真调制解调器、可以处理我的大部分通信工作
You are quite popular in this chat room. Can you spare a little time with me?你在这个聊天室好像很受欢迎。你可以花点时间和我聊聊吗?