
Terms for subject Technology containing weight | all forms | exact matches only
ablated weight烧蚀重量
absolute difference of component weight of index标志分权绝对差
absolute dry weight重量
absolute dry weight绝干重量
absolute weight绝对权数
actually tested self-weight实测自重湿陷量
added weight附加重量
added weight method重量增加法
additional weight附加荷载
adjusted weight校正
aluminium weight-carrying structure铝承重结构
aluminum weight-carrying structure铝承重结构
anomalous weight反常重量
arithmetic average volume weight算术平均体重
ascertained weight确定的重量
assumed unit weight method假定容重法
atomic weight原子量
atomic weight scale原子量标度
automatic measuring instrument for liter-weight of clinker熟料升重自动测量仪
automatic weight classifier重量自动分选机
automatic weight control钻头压力的自动控制
automatically adjusting counter weight自动调整平衡锤
average effective weight平均有效容重
average fuel electric power consumption of locomotive per 10000-gross weight-ton-kilometer机车每万总重吨公里平均燃料电力消耗量
average locomotive drawing gross weight机车平均牵引总重
average net weight hauled by locomotive机车牵引平均净重
average shipping weight平均装载重量
average volume weight平均体重
average weight平均重 (量)
average weight statistics method平均重量统计法
avoirdupois weight英国常衡制
balance weight均衡器
balance weight摆锤
balance weight平衡重 (块)
balance weight坠砣
balance weight天平砝码
balance weight平衡
balance weight均衡锤
balance weight abutment衡重式桥台
balance weight bar双强坠陀杆
balance weight chair重力补偿托架
balance weight device张力补偿装置
balance weight guide平衡重导轨
balance weight rod坠砣杆
balance weight tensioner坠砣补偿器
balance weight tensioner缀砣补偿器【电】
balance weight tensioning平衡重块绷紧
balance weight termination张力补偿装置
balance-weight-type overhead garage door平衡锤式车库翻门
balanced weight平衡块
balanced weight砝码
balanced weight平衡重
balanced weight配重
balanced weight均衡锤
balanced weight lever衡重杆
balancing weight配重
balancing weight天平砝码
balancing weight均衡锤
basic weight基准重量
billed weight提单上的重量
brake changeover weight制动重量转换
brake weight刹车重块
breaking weight破坏荷重
breaking weight断裂荷载
breast lead weight胸部压重物
bulk specific weight散装比重
bulk specific weight粒状物堆积比重
bulk specific weight毛体积比重
bulk unit weight体容重
bulk unit weight容度
bulk unit weight毛容量
bulk unit weight毛体积密度
bulk weight松填重量
bulk weight散重
bulk weight松物料单位体积重量
button weights试金砝码
calculated weight of locomotive机车计算重量
carat weight克拉重量
card weight卡片压重
cement-water ratio by weight灰水重量比
central weight中心锤
centre weight中心锤
centum weight英担
certificate and list of measurement and or weight容量重量证明书
certificate of weight重量检定证书
certificate of weight重量证
certified weights检定砝码
changing weight变动权数
changing weight可变权数
checking of weight重量核对
Chinese system of weights and measures市制
clastic weight弹性荷重
clastic weight弹性荷载
clock weight钟锤
coating weight涂漆量
coating weight涂布量
coating weight涂覆量
coating weight膜重测定
common volume-weight普通容重
counter scale with weight案秤
counter weight平衡器〔锤〕
counter weight吊窗锤
counter weight配〔平衡〕重
counter-weight sash有平衡锤的窗框
counter-balance weight砝码
counter-balance weight平衡重
crated weight装箱后毛重
crated weight装箱重量
critical weight on drill string钻具临界钻压
cuttings weight岩屑比重
designated weight一定重量
differential weight distribution微分重量分布 (函数)
differential weights不等权数
diffusion of lower molecular weight hydrocarbon低分子量烃类扩散
distribution map of number of the foraminifera in the dry sample with the same weight在同重干样中有孔虫个致分布图
distribution map of number of the ostracoda in the dry sample with the same weight在同重干样中介形虫个致分布图
distributional weight分配的权数
double weight加厚料
double weight paper双重像纸
driver's weight adjustment座架刚度调节器
drop weight apparatus滴重器
drop weight method滴重法
drop weight tamper重力夯
drop weight tear test落锤扯裂试验 (DWTT)
drop weight test锤试验
dust weight arrestance test method粉尘试验重量法
elliptic type weight椭圆形测深
elliptic type weight铅鱼
elliptical type weight椭圆形测深
elliptical type weight铅鱼
empty weight净重
empty weight空船重
empty weight皮重
empty weight空机重量
empty weight of equipment设备空重
engine dry weight发动机自重
engine weight per horsepower每马力发动机重 (1马力=735.49875W)
estimating of molecular weight分子量的计算
external weight外部权
falling weight落锤 (打桩用)
falling weight落下重量
falling weight deflectometer落锤式弯沉仪
falling weight impact test坠重冲击试验
falling weight test冲击 〔落锤〕试验
falling weight type butterfly valve落锤式蝶形阀
falling weight type butterfly valve落锤式蝶形风门
field unit weight原位重度
final weight最后重量
final weight of sample样品最终重量
fired unit weight烘干重度
fired unit weight燃烧后的单位重 (耐火混凝土)
floating weight移动式重锤
floor weight楼板重量
flue gas weight烟道气重量
foundry weight压铁
front-end dead weight前部死荷载
front-end dead weight前部死重量
front-end static weight前部静重量
front-end weight前部重量
front-rear weight distribution前后轴重量分配
front-wheel ballast weight前轮配重块
front-wheel weight前轮荷载
fully equipped weight全装备重量
gaining in weight增重
gas specific weight气体比重
gas weight flow燃气重量流量
gram atomic weight克原子量
gram molecular weight摩尔量
gram molecular weight克分子量
gram-force gram-weight克•力
green weight湿
Hamming weight码重
haphazard weight任意权数
helium oxygen heavy weight diving apparatus氦氧重潜水装具
high molecular weight copolymer高分子量共聚物
high molecular weight demulsifier高分子破乳剂
high molecular weight hydrocarbon高分子量烃
high molecular weight material高分子量物质
high weight mud超重泥土浆
high weight mud重的泥浆
high weight solids content高比重固相含量
holding power to weight ratio抓重比
hold-up weight滞留量
horsepower to weight ratio马力重量比
hydraulics weight液压系统重量
information weight of index标志信息权
instruments weight仪器重量
intermediate weight中等重量
landed weight卸船重量
landed weight final以起岸重量为准
landed weight/quality到岸品质/重量
landed weight terms卸货重量条件
lead weight吊锤
lead weight铅坠
length of wagon floor surface for bearing goods weight车辆负重面长度
length of weight sequence权序列长度
lever and weight safety valve杠杆重锤式安全阀
lever and weight spring swing check valve杠杆弹簧摆动式止回阀
lever and weight swing check valve杠杆和锤摆动式止回阀
lightweight concrete weight carrying frame轻质混凝土承重框架
load weight of car车辆装载重量
load weight signal荷载信号
manual weight batcher手动计重器
manual weight batcher手动计量设备
manual weight batcher手动重量称量器
manual weight carrying徒手搬运
maximal weight极大权
method of calculation by assumed unit weight假定容重计算法
method of elastic weights弹性荷载法
method of weight analysis重量分析法
metric hundred weight公担 (1公担=100公斤)
metrical hundred weight公担 (1公担=100公斤)
mixing proportion by weight按重量配料
modulus-weight ratio模量重量比
moisture content ratio by weight重量含水率
moisture content ratio by weight重量含湿率
moisture free weight无水重量
moisture weight percentage干重含水率
moisture weight percentage重量含水量
molar weight摩尔量
molecular differential weight distribution curve分子量微分重均分布曲线
molecular weight分子重
molecular weight分子重量
molecular weight分子量
molecular weight cut-off截留分子量
molecular weight determination apparatus分子重量测定仪
molecular weight distribution分子分布
molecular weight distribution of organics有机物分子量分布
molecular weight estimation apparatus分子量测定器
molecular weight exclude limit分子量排斥极限
molecular weight thermometer分子量温度计
movement weight重锤
movement weight cable重锤绳
movement weight cartridge重锤筒
movement weight chain重锤链
movement weight cord重锤绳
movement weight hook重锤钩
movement weight mass重锤块
movement weight pulley重锤滑轮
movement weight rod重锤杆
multiple weight batcher多组重量配料器
multiple weight shaft plumbing多荷重竖井投点
net dry weight净实重
net shipping weight装船净重量
net weight实物净重
net weight净重
net weight of equipment设备净重
net-net weight净净重
net-net weight纯净重
nominal capacity of holding weight公称载重量
nominal weight额定重 (量)
nominal weight标值重量
nominal weight面值重量
nominal weight of drill pipe钻杆名义重量
number average molecular weight数均分子量
number average molecular weight数量平均分子量
optimum bit weight最优钻压
overhauling weight清理吊货绞辘重铁
own weight静载
own weight静重
own-weight moment自重力矩
package weight成套机组重量
packed weight带包装重量
packed weight每包毛重
percent by weight in volume重/容百分比
percent by weight in weight重/重百分比
percent weight in volume重量体积百分比
permissible gross combination weight容许汽车连接总重量
plastic weight-carrying structure塑性承重结构
plate weight-carrying structure钢板承重结构
prior weight先验权
proportioning by weight按重量比例调配
proportioning by weight重量比配合法
proportioning by weight质量配料
proportioning by weight按重量配合
proportioning by weight按重量配料 (法)
proportioning by weight重量配合 (法)
reactive high molecular weight phosphorus化学高分子量磷
ream weight令重
ream weight木,砖垛重
ream weight木、砖的垛重
ream weight-ring令重
rig weight坠砣
saturated unit weight饱和单位重 (量)
saturated unit weight饱和容量
saturated unit weight of soil土的饱和容重
saturated-surface dry weight饱和面干重骨料
saturated-surface dry weight饱和面干重集料
saturated-surface-dry weight面干饱和重量
saving in weight减轻重量
scale of sediment of specific weight泥沙容重比例
scale weight称砝码
schedule of usual tare weights常用皮重清单
schedule weight额定重 (量)
seismogram of horizontal weight drop水平撞击记录
seismogram of vertical weight drop垂直撞击记录
self-weight collapse自重湿陷
self-weight collapse loess自重塌陷黄土
self-weight collapsible loess自重湿陷性黄土
self-weight moment自重弯矩
self-weight vector自重向量
self-guided weight-loaded accumulator自导向的重锤式蓄能器
semi-automatic weight batcher半自动称量架
semi-gross weight半毛重
set weight钻头上金刚石的镶嵌重量
shell weight-carrying system壳体承重体系
shipper's weight拖运重量
shipper's weight发货人报的重量
shipper's weight货方重量
single weight单件重量
single-weight paper薄相纸
single-weight thickness薄纸基厚度
size-weight ratio样重比率
slab weight-carrying structure板块承重结构
sloping light weight roof斜面轻型屋顶
soaked weight渗入
specified weight额定重 (量)
speed-hauled weight curve速度牵引重量关系曲线
spring weight弹簧承受的重量
steel counterbalance weight box钢平衡重箱
steel weight box钢配重箱
steel weight box钢压载箱
steel weight box钢窗平衡锤箱
steel weight-carrying skeleton钢载重骨架
steel weight-carrying structure钢载重结构
stiffness to weight ratio比刚度
stiffness to weight ratio刚度重量比
streamlined weight流线型重锤
switch lever with counter-weight带锤转辙杆
temporary toe weight坡脚临时压重 (物)
tensile strength to weight ratio抗拉强度一重量比
timber spatial weight-carrying structure木空间承重结构
timber weight-carrying structure木承重结构
times of lacking in weight欠重次数
tower weight塔重
transfer of drilling weight钻压传递
transfer of drilling weight钻压转移
trone weight特朗衡器
two-weight shaft plumbing双荷重竖井对中
two-phase wet unit weight二相湿容重
ultimate weight-carrying capacity极限荷重能力
ultimate weight-carrying capacity极限荷载能力
unbalanced weight conveyer不平衡输送机
unbalanced weight conveyer偏重输送机
unbalanced weight vibrator偏心振动器
unladen vehicle weight空车重量
unladen weight空重
unladen weight无载重 (量)
unladen weight空车重量
variable weight可变权
variation coefficient of unit weight体重变化系数
variation of ore unit-weight矿石体重变化
vehicle curb weight车辆自重
vehicle gross weight车辆毛重
vehicle weight汽车重量
vehicle weight车辆重量
vehicle weight车重
volume weight容积比重
volume weight重度
volume weight by large-size sample大体重
volume weight by small size sample小体重
volume weight of ore矿石体重
volume weight of soil土的重度
volume weight of soil土壤重度
volume weight of wood木材重度
volume weight ratio体积重量比
volume weight tube体重管
wagon for bearing goods weight负重车
wagon weight detector车重检测器
wall weight墙重
wastewater containing high molecular weight compound含高分子量化合物废水
water content by weight重量含水率
water content in percent of dry weight土壤干重百分比计的含水量
water content in percent of dry weight土壤干重百分比计的含水率
water in percent of dry weight含水比
weight assumption重量假设
weight average加权平均数
weight-average degree of polymerization重量平均聚合度
weight-average molecular weight重量平均分子量
weight bias error权偏差
weight brake重力闸
weight-carrying ability载重性能
weight-carrying brick载重砖
weight-carrying clay brick cross-wall黏土砖承重横墙
weight-carrying construction承重结构
weight-carrying face work承重砖石镶面工作
weight-carrying face work承重砖石砌面工作
weight-carrying face work承重砖石饰面工作
weight-carrying facing masonry承重砖石墙面圬工 (work)
weight-carrying floor block承重楼板空心砖
weight-carrying floor brick承重楼板砖
weight-carrying floor clay block承重楼板黏土砖
weight-carrying floor clay brick承重楼板黏土砖
weight-carrying frame载重框架
weight-carrying frame承重构架
weight-carrying frame承重框架
weight-carrying frame载重构架
weight-carrying in longitudinal direction纵向承重
weight-carrying in longitudinal direction纵向载重
weight-carrying in transverse direction横向承重
weight-carrying in transverse direction横向载重
weight-carrying masonry wall承重圬工墙
weight-carrying masonry wall载重圬工墙
weight-carrying masonry work承重圬工砌筑工作
weight-carrying masonry work载重圬工砌筑工作
weight-carrying mechanism载重机构
weight-carrying mechanism载重机制
weight-carrying partition wall承重隔墙
weight-carrying plane载重面
weight-carrying power载重能力
weight-carrying rib载重肋
weight-carrying skeleton承重骨架
weight-carrying skeleton载重骨架
weight-carrying skeleton construction承重骨架结构
weight-carrying skeleton construction载重骨架结构
weight-carrying skeleton member载重骨架构件
weight-carrying skeleton structure载重骨架结构
weight-carrying structure载重结构
weight-carrying structure of plain web girders载重普通腹板梁结构
weight-carrying structure of solid web girders载重实心腹板梁结构
weight-carrying system载重系统
weight-carrying wall载重墙
weight-carrying wall construction载重墙结构
weight-carrying wall structure载重墙结构
weight certificate重量证
weight conversion重量转化
weight cylinder重锤导向筒
weight differential重量差异
weight displacement重量排水量
weight distribution重量分配
weight efficiency重量效率
weight enumerator权重计数子
weight floor block承载地面砖
weight flow重力流
weight flow重量消耗量
weight gaining agent增重剂
weight gauge指重表
weight grader重量分级机
weight grader重量分级计
weight hanger重锤吊架
weight hourly space velocity重量时空速 (度)
weight indicator示重计
weight indicator chart示重图表
weight indicator tie down固定指重表
weight lever重锤杆
weight-lever regulator杠杆调节器
weight-lever regulator权杆调节器
weight-lever regulator重锤杠杆调节器
weight-lever regulator秤杆调节器
weight mark重量标志
weight masonry wall承重圬工墙
weight method重量比配料法
weight method重量法 (加气混凝土配料)
weight mixing混凝土按重量比配合
weight mixing按重量混合
weight mixing重量配合
weight mixture method重量配料法
weight moment of inertia重量惯性矩
weight moment of inertia重量转动惯量
weight polynomial重量多项式
weight regulator重量调节器
weight saving重量节省
weight saving减轻重量
weight-scale table称量台
weight schedule重量一览表
weight shift重量转移
weight spring重锤弹簧
weight stripping ratio重量剥采比
weight transfer adjuster重量
weight transfer attachment重量转移附属装置
weight transfer device重量转移装置
weight transfer unit重量转移装置
weight tray承载底板
weight tray配重箱
weight unevenness重量不匀率
weight unknown重量不明
weight valve重力阀
weight variation重量差异
weight variation test重量差异试验
weight variation tolerances重量变异耐受性
weight volume重量体积
weight-volume relationship重量体积关系
weighted average effective unit weight加权有效重度
weighted average volume weight加权平均体重
weighted mean ash production rate by weight重量加权平均灰分产率
weighted mean of unit weight平均重度
wheel weight轮上配重
wire weight gage悬锤式水位计
wire weight gage悬锤式水
wire weight gage悬锤水标尺
wire weight gauge悬锤式水
wire weight gauge悬锤式水位计
wire weight gauge悬锤水标尺
working weight使用重量
working weight资用重量
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