
Terms for subject General containing weapon | all forms | exact matches only
Admiralty Surface Weapon Establishment海军部水面武器研究院
Admiralty Underwater Weapon Establishment海军部水下武器研究院
advanced earth satellite weapon system高级人造〔地球〕卫星武器系统
Air Force Weapon Laboratory空军武器实验研究
air-to-air weapon"空对空"武器
anti-aircraft weapon高射炮
anti-aircraft weapon防空武器
anti-missile weapon system反导弹防御系统
anti-missile weapon system反导弹武器系统
antisatellite weapon.反卫星武器
anti-submarine weapon反潜〔艇〕武器
Army Atomic Weapon Systems Safety Committee陆军原子武器系统安全委员会
Atomic Weapon Research Establishment原子武器研究院
Bureau of Naval Weapon海军武器局
circle a weapon over the back背花
circle the weapon舞花
exercise with weapon器械术
flexible weapon软兵器
guided guided-weapon cruiser导弹巡洋舰
guided weapon station导弹发射站
Institute for Air Weapon Research空军武器研究所美国芝加哥大学所属的
light weapon轻器械
long weapon长兵器
long-range surface-to-air guided weapon远程"面对空"导弹
Naval Weapon Laboratory海军武器实验研究
Nuclear Weapon System Safety Group核武器系统安全小组美国空军所属的
raise the weapon horizontally overhead
rotate the weapon舞花
short weapon短兵器
soft weapon软兵器
space combat weapon system空间作战武器系统
Special Weapon Command特种武器司令部
Special Weapon Development Group特种武器研制组
special weapon platoon特种武器排
spin the weapon云器械
surface-to-air guided weapon"面对空"导弹
tilt the weapon
twist the weapon绞器械
wave the weapon in figure-eight舞花
wave the weapon round the head缠头缠脑
weapon againstM 对付M的武器
weapon direction system武器引导控制系统
weapon duel器械对练
weapon exercise器械术
Weapon System Evaluation Group武器系统鉴定组
Weapon System Information Office武器系统情报处美国陆军弹道导弹局所属的
Weapon System Project Office武器系统设计局
whirl the weapon舞花