
Terms for subject Geophysics containing water | all forms | exact matches only
apparent formation water salinity视地层水矿化度
apparent resistivity, water地层水视电阻率
apparent water saturation视含水饱和度
apparent water sigma from salinity由矿化度求得的视水中子俘获截面
bond water content束缚水含量
bond water content in 100% clay100%粘土中束缚水含量
bond water saturation maximum最大束缚水饱和度
bound water volume束缚水体积
bulk volume water irreducible束缚水总体积
bulk water volume水的总体积
cased hole water saturation套管井含水饱和度
clay bound water粘土束缚水
conductivity of formation water地层水电导率
density of water水的密度
dielectric measures water holdup介电测量持水率
dual water GlobalGLOBAL 双水模型
dual water quick look interpretation双水法快速直观解释
effective water saturation有效含水饱和度
equivalent water resistivity地层水等效电阻率
flag for bond water saturation束缚水饱和度标志
flag of use electromagnetic propagation log tool-water saturation in flushed zone用电磁波传播测井仪求冲洗带含水饱和度的标志
free surface water tunnel自由表面的水道
free-water level自由水水位
gamma ray neutron shop water measurement自然伽马一中子测井仪水的车间测量值
hydrogen index in water水的含氢指数
hydrogen index of the water phase水相含氢指数
low water datum低水位基准面
movable water level可动水水位
near/far volume fraction of water水的近/远体积比
petroleum water determination apparatus石油含水测定仪
reference temperature for conductivity of formation water地层水导电率的基准温度
resistivity of connate water同生水电阻率
resistivity of the water in the invaded zone侵入带水电阻率
resistivity of connate water同生地层水电阻率
resistivity of water apparent from X-plot porosity由交会图上孔隙度值求得的地层水视电阻率
resistivity of water bound束缚水电阻率
resistivity of water free自由水电阻率
resistivity of water sample水样电阻率
saturation, connate water原生水饱和度
saturation, effective water有效含水饱和度
saturation water ratio含水饱和度比
sigma of free water地层自由水中子俘获截面
sigma water apparent水的视中子俘获截面
SIGMA water input水的俘获截面输入值
temperature of water sample水样温度
time propagation for formation water地层水的电磁波传播时间
volume of bound water束缚水体积
volume of free water自由水体积
volume of irreducible water束缚水体积
water cut apparent视含水量
water cut index含水指数
water filled porosity含水孔隙度
water flow log氧活化法水流成像测井
water holdup indicator持水率指示器
water holdup indicator log持水率指示测井
water low-velocity energy converter低水速能量转换器
water quicklook双水法水快速直观解释
water salinity水含盐度
water salinity地层水矿化度
water salinity from dual spacing thermal decay time由双源距热中子衰减时间测井求得的地层水矿化度 (log)
water salinity from TDT由双源距热中子衰减时间测井求得的地层水矿化度
water sample source水样来源
water saturation from carbon/oxygen log由碳氧比测井曲线得出的含水饱和度
water saturation from C/O由碳氧比测井曲线得出的含水饱和度
water saturation from neutron lifetime log由中子寿命测井计算出的含水饱和度
water saturation from NLL由中子寿命测井计算出的含水饱和度
water saturation from remote temperature device由远程温度测量装置得出的含水饱和度
water saturation from RTD由远程温度测量装置得出的含水饱和度