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The depiction of a Chinese landscape is very common in ceramics in China, and it is really associated with a Taoist concept of life in an idyllic environment中国制陶业对山水画的应用非常广泛,而这种风格与道家清静无为的人生理想有着千丝万缕的联系
The lush forest and fine quality porcelain clay make Dehua porcelain very famous茂密的森林和优质瓷土让德化陶瓷闻名于世
These porcelains are very exclusive, very high-status luxury items for the mega-rich The person who kicks it off in England is Queen Mary II in the late 17th century这些瓷器很独特,被当时的超级富豪用作高级奢侈品。真正在英国开启这一时尚的是17世纪末的玛丽二世