
Terms for subject Economy containing valuation | all forms | exact matches only
a gross-less-allowance valuation method毛值减备抵计价法
a valuation form货物估价单
account valuation估价账目
agreed valuation协定价值 (承运人与托运人互相商定的货物价值)
Agreement on Customs Valuation关税估价协定
Agreement on Government Procurement and the Customs Valuation Code政府采购和海关估价守则协定
alternative cost valuation替换成本评估
assessed valuation应税财产的估定价值
assessed valuation估定价值
assessment valuation特别税捐估值
assessment valuation摊派税捐估价
basis of valuation定价的基础
basis valuation估价标准
bond valuation between interest dates两次付息期间的债券估价
book valuation账面估计
Brussels Principles of Valuation布鲁塞尔估价原则
business valuation经营评估
cash valuation现金价格
cost valuation, basis成本估价基础
currency over-valuation币值高估
debit valuation A/C收项估价账户
dual valuation双重估值
dual valuation clause双重估值条款
dual valuation clause双重价值条款
economic basis of valuation证券计价的经济价值制
ending inventory valuation期末存货估值
equity basis of valuation of securities证券估价的权益基础
equity basis of valuation of security证券计价的权益制
excess valuation超额定价
external valuation外部估价
final valuation最后估价
finality valuation最后估价
for valuation only仅为估价用
internal valuation内部估价
inventory valuation估存
inventory valuation盘存估价
inventory valuation adjustment存货价格的调整
land valuation土地评价
legal valuation法定估价计价
material usage price valuation原材料消费价格差异
material valuation原料订单
merchandise valuation商品估价
monetary valuation货币的估价
monetary valuation货币的估价定价
multiple valuation多元估计
net valuation method净计价法
official valuation duty官方价格税
over valuation估价过高
potential acquisition valuation method潜在购进评价
professional valuation专门人士估价
property valuation财产估价
reserve valuation method特别评价法
security-valuation line证券评价线
selling-price valuation按售价估值
selling-price valuation按售价估价
ship valuation船舶估价
ship valuation船舶评估
stock valuation股票估计
the apportionment of valuation价值的划分
the assets valuation资产估价
the ending inventory valuation期末存货估价
the principle of valuation估价原则
the professional valuation专业人士估价
the under valuation低估价值
the under valuation低估
the uninsured proportion of valuation定值中未保险部分
the valuation at cost or market成本与市价孰低估价法
the valuation of material材料估价
the valuation variable可变估价
theory of asset valuation资产估价理论
trans valuation重新估价
uninsured proportion of valuation定值中未保险部分
valuation accounts估价账户
valuation adjustment估值调整
valuation allowances估价损失补贴
valuation at cost成本估价
valuation basis估价基础
valuation clause计价条款
valuation items价目
valuation model计价模式
valuation of fund application资金运用的估
valuation of goods for general average共同海损货物估价
valuation of joint products联产品估价
valuation of prospective receipts未来收益之评估
valuation of state assets国有资的清产核资
valuation process评价程序
valuation reserve平价
We set too high a valuation on the premises我们对这房产估价太高