
Terms for subject Business containing valuation | all forms | exact matches only
agreed valuation协定价值
alternate valuation比较估计
analytical costing in inventory valuation存货估价中的分析计价法
apportionment of valuation价值分割
assessed valuation formula课税评价公式
assessment valuation特别税捐估价
asset valuation allowance资产估价备抵额
balance sheet classification and valuation资产负债表分类及评价
base stock inventory valuation基本存量计价法
base stock inventory valuation基本存货量计价法
basic inventory valuation基本存量计价法
basic of valuation定价基础
basis for valuation估价基础
basis of valuation估价基准
bond valuation债券估值
bond valuation between interest dates两次付息期间的债券估值
book valuation账面估价
business valuation企业评价
certificate of ship's valuation船舶估价单
contra valuation account对销估价账户
contra valuation account对销估价账
corporate profit before tax and inventory valuations adjustment公司税前利润及库存值调整
cost determines book valuation成本决定账面价格
cost method of inventory valuation存货价值成本估计法平均法
cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation成本价与市价按低价盘存计价法
cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation成本价与市价按低价的存货计价法指一种存货计价方法,即对库存商品或产品,其成本低于市价, 按成本价计算,如高于市价,则按市价计算的一种计算法
cost valuation basis成本估价基准
crude oil valuation原油评价
Customs Valuation Code关税估价准则
dual Valuation重复估价
dual Valuation双重价值
dual valuation船舶保险中船舶估值方法双重估值
dual valuation clause船舶保险合同中船舶双重估值条款
effect of valuation in terms of the SDR用特别提款权计值的影响
ending inventory valuation期末盘存估价
ending inventory valuation期末存货估价
equity basis of valuation of securities以权益或资产净值作为证券计价的依据
equity basis of valuation of security证券计价权益制权益为计价依据
equivalent valuation等价赋值
estimated loss from sale valuation of merchandise inventory按销售价估计存货损失
exit price valuation脱手价格计价
exponent valuation指数赋值
generalized exponential valuation广义指数赋值
generalized valuation ring广义赋值环
gross profit method for inventory valuation存货计价毛利法
gross profit method of inventory valuation存货计价毛利法
gross profit valuation毛利差异
identical valuation恒等赋值
intra-company valuation公司内估价
inventory valuation存货估价可采用先进先出法,后进先出法等方法估价
inventory valuation adjustment存货估价调整
inventory valuation reserve存货估价储备
keys to valuation评价要素
legal valuation法定计价
legal valuation method法定估价法
legal valuation method of inventory法定盘存估价法
loss from valuation of security证券估价损失
market valuation method市价估价法
master valuation account总估价账户
material valuation主材料估价
merchandise valuation商品定值
monetary valuation货币估价定价
multiple valuation多元估价
net valuation method净估价法
official valuation duty官方估价税
over valuation高估
potential acquisition valuation method潜在购进评价法
prime costing in inventory valuation存货估价中的主要成本计算法
prime costing in inventory valuation存货计价中主要成本计算法
professional valuation专业人士估价
quinquennial valuation对财产税额五年一次的估价
reserve against inventory valuation存货估价准备
selling-price valuation按销价估价
stock at valuation估价库存
stock at valuation存货估价
stock valuation股票计价
stock valuation存货估价
stock valuation存货估值
tentative valuation财产初步估价
term-end valuation期末评价
theory of asset valuation资产评价理论
valuation allowance备抵计价
valuation allowances备抵估价
valuation asset资产评估
valuation at cost or market成本与市价孰低估价法
valuation at lower of cost or market按成本或市价孰低计价
valuation at market按市价估价法
valuation at net selling price纯售价估价法
valuation at net selling price净售价估价法
valuation charge估价运费
valuation concept估价观念
valuation investment method投资估价法
valuation method估价方法
valuation of fixed assets固定资产估值
valuation of fund application资金运用评价
valuation of future income未来收益估价
valuation of goodwill商誉评价
valuation of inventory存货计价
valuation of securities有价证券估价
valuation of security有价证券估价
valuation of skilled resource flow人才资源流动估价办法
valuation of working process在制品估价
Valuation Officer估价员
valuation profit or loss估价损益
valuation reserve评价准备
valuation residual method余值估价法
weighted average inventory valuation加权平均盘存估价
weighted average inventory valuation存货计价的加权平均法
work-back valuation method倒求价值法